Hey friends. as most of you probably know, i'm writing this blog to you all from the comfort of my own room in carbondale hospital. I apologize i haven't posted more this past week. Looks like i'm going to have even more free time on my hands for awhile, which should make updating a bit easier. I'm going to start by doing an update on what's going on and then finish with a baby update for my 28th and 29th week combined!
My, my, where do I start? well, as i said in a previous post, I was put on bed rest over a week ago...exact date, Thursday, May 26, 2011. The dr. told me to go on bed rest until my next appt...10 days later. So, under strict orders from Jesse, I was only allowed to leave the bed when i had to go to the bathroom or eat. I was restless and bored by the end of it. Actually somewhat looking forward to getting to go back to work...i think i was just wanting something else to do. In those 10 days, i watched a lot of netflix. I actually managed to watch all of the seasons of army wives within about 5 days. Yes, I was bored. When we went to my next appt on June 6th, the doctor immediately told us we were going to the hospital. My blood pressure was still high and the protein in my urine was still high as well.
We left the doctor's office, headed across the street to the hospital, and checked in. Luckily, we were given on our room! Our Dr, Dr. Bishop, came in to see us that night. Now, when we checked in I had a 24 hour urine sample to give them. When Dr. Bishop came in he informed us that my protein level was very high. Normal is less than 300...mine was over 3,000!!! Needless to say, Not good! I had many tests done that night. He explained everything to us very thoroughly and answered any questions we had. He diagnosed me with mild Pre-eclampsia. I won't go into details, but basically: I'm more than likely staying in the hospital until the baby is born. I'm under constant monitoring with tests being done everyday. The goal is to prevent this mild pre-eclampsia from advancing to severe pre-eclampsia. If it advances to that it is simply called: eclampsia!
We weren't aware at just how serious this is. We were reassured when he told us that if was nothing that we had done to cause this. It's more common in first time mothers and you can't really see it coming until it arrives. A lot of the signs coincide with normal pregnancy symptoms, so it's hard to distinguish until the protein and blood pressure start to show serious signs of concern.
This is our second night here in the hospital. My protein levels in my urine are still pretty high, but luckily my blood pressure has continued to go down. At first we were told that we would more than likely have to deliver this baby this week! As you all know, it's verrry early for him to be here. However, our Dr. has been on the phone and in close contact with an OB at the StL hospital and they are working together on my case. Both agreed that with constant monitoring that we could more than likely hold off delivery for at least another week! We're thrilled about this! So, hopefully everything will continue to go well.
Now, I'm sure most of you are wondering...why in the world are you still in carbondale and not at the St. Louis Hospital!? I assure you, we took this under careful consideration. Our Dr. is one of the best and we have full confidence in him. He has tons of experience in working in cases of pre-eclampsia and he also has lots of experience delivering baby's early, with a very, very high success rate. He is on our side in the whole matter, and agreed with us that if we decided or if he decided that StL was definitely the best option, he would transfer us there. However, we're happy with our choice of staying here in carbondale. We're positive we're receiving great care. Our doctor has been by our side every step and checks in on us at least twice a day!
So, I seem to have a case of insomnia since being in this hospital. I can't sleep...at all! It's frustrating! With constant monitoring and just not being able to get comfy, it's hard to fall asleep! Hence the reason i'm blogging at 1:30 in the morning!
You may be wondering about Rylee! It breaks my heart that we have to be here and she can't be with us! Jesse is under my strict orders of going home once a day to play/visit with her! I know she's just a dog...but like i said before, she's my dog and i love her very much! :)
I'm sure there's tons of things that i've left out but for now i'm going to finish with an update on baby. I'm going to do this update a bit differently, seeing that I don't have my baby books with me. However, in the past few days, I've learned a lot about his development so I feel like I have a better insight into how he's actually doing.
Size of Baby Schiff: Our baby boy is a whole 2 pounds and 14 ounces (as of June 7, 2011). So, obviously he's a bit too small to be delivered now! We're hoping and praying that he'll grow and develop a lot more before he has to be delivered.
Baby Schiff's development: His lungs aren't quite ready to work on their own. I received 2 shots to help with the development of his lungs the past 2 nights. That way, if he does come as early as we're expecting, his lungs will hopefully be able to function on their own. We're praying that this works. He's also began to practice breathing while in the womb. We're told that at this early in the pregnancy, the fact that he's already practicing this is a veryyyy good sign!
Other news about Baby Schiff: The first night we were admitted into the hospital, his heart rate was 146. It has continued to stay within the 145-160 range th
roughout the time we've been here so far. He's definitely a little mover inside my belly...moving all the time and kicking! He's also been getting the hiccups some lately. It's funny, because the monitor that I'm hooked up to will pick this up! Poor guy! Also, during one of our sonograms (we get one daily now) he was playing with his umbilical cord. It made it hard for us to get the info we needed....but we managed! :) He's very active...which is good!
Message to Baby Schiff from Mommy: As much as we want to meet you my boy, we also want you to be big and strong when you come into this big ole world. That's why we're trying everything we can to help you stay in there a bit longer. So, my boy, stay in there as long as you'd like. I promise I will do everything I can on my side to stay healthy and well so that you can stay inside there and get healthy and strong. We love you so much! <3
We've officially decided on a name for our Baby Boy! Once we let all of our family know... I'll fill you all in as well!
I'm going to finish tonight's post with a poem that Pastor Melissa from our church read on Mother's day.
A baby asked God, “They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?”
"Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you."
The child further inquired, "But tell me, here in Heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile and to be happy."
God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy."
Again the child asked, "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?"
God said, “Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.”
“And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?”
God said, “Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.”
“Who will protect me?”
God said, “Your angel will defend you even if it means risking it’s life.”
“But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.”
God said, “Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you.”
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, “God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel’s name.”
“You will simply call her, ‘Mom.’”