Today is Gabriel's FIRST BIRTHDAY! Can you believe it? Time sure does fly! This year has been the most incredible year... that boy sure does know how to put a smile on my face.
It's hard to believe that a year ago we were in the hospital waiting for Gabe to arrive. All of the things we went through... bedrest, hospital stays, surgery... it all led us to where we are today. So, you can imagine why this birthday is so special for us. I want it to be the best birthday ever for my little boy. There was a time when we weren't so sure about his future... so having him here and celebrating his FIRST birthday is so, so special for us. Yes, I know that he won't remember everything about his birthday, but he will always have pictures to look back on to see how special this day is.
Gabriel Lee,
Today you are 1 year old! I can't believe it. You are growing up way too fast. You learn something new everyday and you can put a smile on my face no matter what. I don't mind the early mornings or the (sometimes) late nights... because I know that these are the moments and the memories that I will never forget.
I didn't know how much life would change a year ago when you came into our lives. You've made Mommy and Daddy's life so much better. You brighten every day with your smile. Even though you are constantly learning something new... you even manage to teach us something new every day too. I'm so proud of you. I'm proud that you proved the doctor's wrong. I'm proud that you have surpassed so many expectations and that you are strong and healthy. I'm amazed when I look back on where you started and where we are now. Looking at you now, no one would ever know that you're life began 10 weeks too early.
Some of your favorite things to do now is: crawl all over the place. Pull yourself up and walk around while holding on. Clearing the coffee table off for Mommy. Open and shut doors. Crawl out of the room when you know you're not supposed to. Watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. and of course, play with your all your toys.
I can't believe how you are growing so fast. I wish I could freeze time. I love how Mommy is your best friend. I love walking into your room in the morning and seeing that BIG smile on your face. I love your laugh. I like how you love to explore everything... and I mean EVERYTHING! haha. Most of all, I love the person that you are and I look forward to seeing the young man that you will become. You've made our lives so much better, Gabriel Lee. We love you so much and we want you to have a very, very special birthday! I can't wait until your birthday party. We're going to celebrate with everyone that means the most to you and we're going to have so much fun!
Happy Birthday Baby Boy! We love you so much!
Mommy and Daddy
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
One more week!
Can you believe it!? My little boy will be ONE year old in exactly one week! Where did the time go? Seriously!?
I was looking through some old pictures tonight and it is so crazy to think of everything we went through. All of those days and nights in the hospital, the sleepless nights at home, the dirty diapers, the bottle cleaning, the smiles, and the laughs... all of those things got us to where we are today. Yes, it's been one crazy year... But we've loved EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of it!
During the next week, I'm going to be posting about Gabriel Lee's first year of life. With plenty of pictures along the way. So tonight, we will start with the first couple of months of Gabe's life.
Well, it all began on June 20, 2011 at 12:35 p.m. Yes, that's when Gabriel Lee Schiff made his entrance into the world. At just 2 pounds 3.6 ounces he made sure that we all knew he had a great set of lungs! That was the day it all started; that was the day that both my life and Jesse's changed forever.
Why is it so hard to choose a name for your child? Jesse and I could not agree on a name for the longest time. It wasn't until I was admitted into the hospital that we finally agreed on a name. Now, the middle name was a given. And before anyone goes and gets any kind of ideas... Gabriel's middle name is after Jesse and I. Both of our middle names are Lee... so of course, our child's middle name had to be the same. I don't remember how we exactly came up with the name Gabriel...I'm sure it's in a previous post. But I do remember Jesse saying that name and having that "Ahhh, yes!" moment. You can't go wrong with Biblical names. You just can't!
If you remember, we spent the first 2 months or so of Gabe's life in hospitals. About 4 weeks in Carbondale and 5 weeks in St. Louis. Looking back now, Cardinal Glennon Hospital was the best thing that could have ever happened to us. Don't get me wrong, Carbondale is a great hospital, but for preemies like Gabe, I'm still not convinced they are the best for him. Had he not been transported to StL, we could have faced a very different life. So, I am grateful to the doctor at Carbondale who had the good sense to admit she wasn't equipped to handle our situation and sent us to a better place. Though we were mad in the beginning, it was the best thing that could have happened.
Let's not forget that Cardinal Glennon was very good to us. Of course, Gabe got to ride in style to the hospital in a helicopter. Probably the most expensive helicopter ride, EVER! haha. Anyway, we were very blessed at the hospital. I received free meals all day and we could stay with Gabe all the time. The hospital was literally 5 minutes from my brother's house, which made it very convenient for us as well. I won't lie though, we were happy when the hospital told us we could take Gabe home. We were grateful for what they did, but ready to get the heck out of there!
Gabe came home and adjusted as if he had not just spent 2 months in a hospital. It took us awhile to get used to not hearing the beeps of a machine or the nurses coming in every 3 hours. Who am I kidding... it didn't take us long at all! haha. I remember just wanting to sit and stare at him. For the longest time I was so worried that he would forget to breathe and I wouldn't be there to stimulate him to remind him. When you are used to hearing a beep everytime the heart rate changes or the oxygen level changes, it's hard to not wonder if something is happening that you're not aware of. So I had to keep reminding myself that he had not had an episode the entire week before we came home. I had to tell myself that he was stronger & bigger and that there was no need to worry. But honestly, what mom doesn't worry? I think every mom has sat and stared at their child at least once.
Once Gabe came home, he did better than anyone ever expected him to do. He was gaining weight better than he was in the hospital and he was changing and learning something new every single day. I can remember thinking... Man, is he really going to wake me up every 3 hours to eat? Am I ever going to know what it feels like to sleep in again? And let's face it, I hadn't really slept well since I had gotten pregnant. My pregnancy was pretty bad and sleep during my pregnancy wasn't the easiest by any means. I think we all remember my post on my sleep while I was pregnant. If not, let me give you a refresher! It went something like this: Can't sleep on my left side. Must sleep on right side. Body pillow must be between legs and up between my arms. Adjust. Get comfy. Have Jesse cover me up. Finally, RELAXATION. OH NO, have to pee. Get up. Walk to bathroom. Start over.
Yep, so it's safe to say that sleep was pretty non-existant during the entire pregnancy. And no, it didn't get much easier while in the hospital either. While I was in the hospital, it wasn't easy sleeping when nurses are coming in to check on you every 3 hours. Or when your oxygen level goes down and the baby stops moving like before, and you get put on oxygen for 3 hours. No, sleep was not happening. But hey, looking back now... From the pregnancy, to the hospital stays, to bringing Gabe home... I wouldn't trade any of it for sleep. Maybe I've been a bit sleep deprived on some days...but that boy sure does know how to make Mommy smile.
I was looking through some old pictures tonight and it is so crazy to think of everything we went through. All of those days and nights in the hospital, the sleepless nights at home, the dirty diapers, the bottle cleaning, the smiles, and the laughs... all of those things got us to where we are today. Yes, it's been one crazy year... But we've loved EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of it!
During the next week, I'm going to be posting about Gabriel Lee's first year of life. With plenty of pictures along the way. So tonight, we will start with the first couple of months of Gabe's life.
Well, it all began on June 20, 2011 at 12:35 p.m. Yes, that's when Gabriel Lee Schiff made his entrance into the world. At just 2 pounds 3.6 ounces he made sure that we all knew he had a great set of lungs! That was the day it all started; that was the day that both my life and Jesse's changed forever.
Why is it so hard to choose a name for your child? Jesse and I could not agree on a name for the longest time. It wasn't until I was admitted into the hospital that we finally agreed on a name. Now, the middle name was a given. And before anyone goes and gets any kind of ideas... Gabriel's middle name is after Jesse and I. Both of our middle names are Lee... so of course, our child's middle name had to be the same. I don't remember how we exactly came up with the name Gabriel...I'm sure it's in a previous post. But I do remember Jesse saying that name and having that "Ahhh, yes!" moment. You can't go wrong with Biblical names. You just can't!
If you remember, we spent the first 2 months or so of Gabe's life in hospitals. About 4 weeks in Carbondale and 5 weeks in St. Louis. Looking back now, Cardinal Glennon Hospital was the best thing that could have ever happened to us. Don't get me wrong, Carbondale is a great hospital, but for preemies like Gabe, I'm still not convinced they are the best for him. Had he not been transported to StL, we could have faced a very different life. So, I am grateful to the doctor at Carbondale who had the good sense to admit she wasn't equipped to handle our situation and sent us to a better place. Though we were mad in the beginning, it was the best thing that could have happened.
Let's not forget that Cardinal Glennon was very good to us. Of course, Gabe got to ride in style to the hospital in a helicopter. Probably the most expensive helicopter ride, EVER! haha. Anyway, we were very blessed at the hospital. I received free meals all day and we could stay with Gabe all the time. The hospital was literally 5 minutes from my brother's house, which made it very convenient for us as well. I won't lie though, we were happy when the hospital told us we could take Gabe home. We were grateful for what they did, but ready to get the heck out of there!
Gabe came home and adjusted as if he had not just spent 2 months in a hospital. It took us awhile to get used to not hearing the beeps of a machine or the nurses coming in every 3 hours. Who am I kidding... it didn't take us long at all! haha. I remember just wanting to sit and stare at him. For the longest time I was so worried that he would forget to breathe and I wouldn't be there to stimulate him to remind him. When you are used to hearing a beep everytime the heart rate changes or the oxygen level changes, it's hard to not wonder if something is happening that you're not aware of. So I had to keep reminding myself that he had not had an episode the entire week before we came home. I had to tell myself that he was stronger & bigger and that there was no need to worry. But honestly, what mom doesn't worry? I think every mom has sat and stared at their child at least once.
Once Gabe came home, he did better than anyone ever expected him to do. He was gaining weight better than he was in the hospital and he was changing and learning something new every single day. I can remember thinking... Man, is he really going to wake me up every 3 hours to eat? Am I ever going to know what it feels like to sleep in again? And let's face it, I hadn't really slept well since I had gotten pregnant. My pregnancy was pretty bad and sleep during my pregnancy wasn't the easiest by any means. I think we all remember my post on my sleep while I was pregnant. If not, let me give you a refresher! It went something like this: Can't sleep on my left side. Must sleep on right side. Body pillow must be between legs and up between my arms. Adjust. Get comfy. Have Jesse cover me up. Finally, RELAXATION. OH NO, have to pee. Get up. Walk to bathroom. Start over.
Yep, so it's safe to say that sleep was pretty non-existant during the entire pregnancy. And no, it didn't get much easier while in the hospital either. While I was in the hospital, it wasn't easy sleeping when nurses are coming in to check on you every 3 hours. Or when your oxygen level goes down and the baby stops moving like before, and you get put on oxygen for 3 hours. No, sleep was not happening. But hey, looking back now... From the pregnancy, to the hospital stays, to bringing Gabe home... I wouldn't trade any of it for sleep. Maybe I've been a bit sleep deprived on some days...but that boy sure does know how to make Mommy smile.
4d Ultrasound
Right before labor... so swollen!!
Welcome to the World, Gabriel Lee!!
First time holding him.
Micro preemie and preemie diapers. Gabe wore the smallest
ones for a while.
Bilirubin lights... He's tanning! :)
Monday, June 11, 2012
Birthday Countdown!
Can you all believe that my baby boy will be ONE YEAR OLD in just 8 days!? Where did the time go? And can we make it slow down? He's just getting too big and too independent! :)
It's hard to believe that at this time last year I was in a hospital bed, trying to make it to the next day without delivering. A lot happened back then and it's crazy to think back and then to see where we are now. Today, we have a beautiful baby boy that is so full of energy and life. To look back and see how tiny he was when he was born, to where he is today... you'd never know he had to fight so hard those first few months of his life.
I am getting very excited about Gabriel's birthday party. As you all know, it's a Dr. Seuss party... and it's going to be AWESOME! I'm working on the invitations this week... my goal is to have them in the mail by Wednesday. oh & just wait until you see his invitations... they are soooooo cute! Everything is starting to come together. Tonight, I'm ordering his decorations and banner. Later this week, I'm going to order his cake, which will be super adorable. And then, we still have to get all of the little things done as well. Oh my goodness... i just can't wait. It's going to be SO. MUCH. FUN! I'm so happy that Gabriel is going to get to spend his special day with all of the people that mean the most to him! Jesse's good friend Adam, Gabe's Godfather, is also making the trip up from Florida to come to his party. This will be the first time that he gets to meet Gabe... I'm so excited about this as well.
Since Gabe's party isn't until the 30th... we've got BIG plans for his actual birthday. Of course, my little man will wake up the only way a birthday boy should (can't ruin the surprise just yet) and then we're going to head to his favorite park in Carbondale and play. Since the park is right next to Larry's House of Cakes, we of course are going to go get him a cupcake to celebrate the special day as well. We're going to end the day with a little cake/ice cream celebration... as long as Mommy doesn't have to work! :)
Alright, that's all friends! Here's some pictures of my favorite little man! Have a good one! :)

It's hard to believe that at this time last year I was in a hospital bed, trying to make it to the next day without delivering. A lot happened back then and it's crazy to think back and then to see where we are now. Today, we have a beautiful baby boy that is so full of energy and life. To look back and see how tiny he was when he was born, to where he is today... you'd never know he had to fight so hard those first few months of his life.
I am getting very excited about Gabriel's birthday party. As you all know, it's a Dr. Seuss party... and it's going to be AWESOME! I'm working on the invitations this week... my goal is to have them in the mail by Wednesday. oh & just wait until you see his invitations... they are soooooo cute! Everything is starting to come together. Tonight, I'm ordering his decorations and banner. Later this week, I'm going to order his cake, which will be super adorable. And then, we still have to get all of the little things done as well. Oh my goodness... i just can't wait. It's going to be SO. MUCH. FUN! I'm so happy that Gabriel is going to get to spend his special day with all of the people that mean the most to him! Jesse's good friend Adam, Gabe's Godfather, is also making the trip up from Florida to come to his party. This will be the first time that he gets to meet Gabe... I'm so excited about this as well.
Since Gabe's party isn't until the 30th... we've got BIG plans for his actual birthday. Of course, my little man will wake up the only way a birthday boy should (can't ruin the surprise just yet) and then we're going to head to his favorite park in Carbondale and play. Since the park is right next to Larry's House of Cakes, we of course are going to go get him a cupcake to celebrate the special day as well. We're going to end the day with a little cake/ice cream celebration... as long as Mommy doesn't have to work! :)
New glow in the dark pj's
"Mean Face"
And this is how he helps me fold laundry!
First time on the boat!
Trying Dimaggio's for the 1st time... Loved it!
At Rachel and Bryan's wedding... Yes, that's a sweater vest! Too cute!
He got stuck!
Playing, of course!
Eating chicken!
Pool Time with Daddy!
He's just so cute!
Facebook = DRAMA
Facebook. Where your life meets DRAMA. I mean... literally more Drama than Highschool!! And here is what I mean when I say this...
We live in a day and age where social media is one of the biggest things in our lives. I mean, think about it... what would people today do without Facebook, Twitter, etc? We'd be lost, right?
I'll admit, I used to be one of those people that posted ALL OF THE TIME on facebook. Whether it was updates on life, pictures, feelings...anything. Yes, I was one of those people. Until... a status that I posted was taken the wrong way. And that, my friends, was the start of my personal drama with facebook. I mean, seriously? Was that real life? Since that fateful day in January, I was urged by several people, including Jesse, to stop posting so much on fear that people would continue to take my posts and comments the wrong way. Eventually, I took the advice and now I carefully watch everything that I post... including deleting a couple people along the way!
Which brings me to my next point. Lately, all I have seen on the wonderful world of facebook is people criticizing, bragging, and complaining. And I've seen posts that were perhaps geared towards me... in a way to be spiteful or mean (though I will never honestly know if they were towards me, but hey, I'm not an idiot either!). And here is what I have to say about that. :)
First of all, If you have a problem with me, the way I raise my child, or with my family... have the courage to say it to my face. I have not created an environment that makes it difficult for anyone to have a relationship with my son. As far as Jesse and I are concerned, he has everyone that he needs in his life. I have never stopped anyone from having a relationship with my son. I just figure that if someone wanted that relationship, they would make a HUGE effort to do so. I don't and won't go out of my way to personally make you feel better about your role in my child's life. In order for ANYONE to have a relationship with my son, they must have a good standing relationship with me, his MOTHER! Yes, that's right... a relationship with me is necessary, and I don't care what anyone says to the's the truth. Plain and Simple.
I've gone out of my way to try to make things right the best that I could. It is not my fault if someone won't accept that or won't make the effort back. I have kept my mouth shut to most people, except those that I talk to most and trust, and haven't said anything "publicly" about anyone. I've bitten my tongue more than once at actions that I felt were wrong. I have sat by while people have literally tried to put me down as a person, wife, and mother. I've watched as several have tried to ruin my marriage and family. I witnessed people saying that they could raise my child better than I can. I was told that I was suffering from depression from someone who is not a doctor...(when in fact, it was just a big dose of... I'm so over this and so over you!) I have seen friendships that I loved be broken by one person's personal opinion of me. I've sat by while being talked about how I don't belong in a family. I have been blamed by children for something that I don't control. I have apologized to people for things that NEVER included them. And this is what I have learned through all of it. I am a wonderful wife and mother. I have a wonderful husband that loves me. A beautiful, amazing boy that adores his Mommy. I have friends that I would consider family and some family that I would consider friends. I've learned to never say anything to someone who can't keep their mouth shut. And most of all, I've learned that revenge is not mine, though sometimes I wish it was, but revenge is the Lord's.
So, I don't sit around and cry about anyone not having a relationship with my child. Jesse and I are very happy and content with the people that are in our lives. We've learned who our true friends are and can depend on them more than we can depend on some family members. We no longer listen to the criticism of our life or marriage because we know that it is part of a hidden agenda...since you think that he would be better off without me. Well, my friend, he has made his choice. He chose his Family... Gabe and I. So please, keep your non-chalant remarks towards me off of facebook. Everyone already knows what you think about me...there is no need to flaunt it to everyone on the internet. If badmouthing me as a wife and mother helps you get through the day, then please, be my guest. Whatever helps you to feel better about yourself. Just one question... Was it worth it?
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