Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pictures= Keepsakes!

A few months ago I did a post on our favorite photographer, Amber, owner of You-nique Capture Photography. I wanted to share a few of the photos that she has taken for us over the past year with you all. I'm positive that you'll see why we love her as much as we do when you see these pictures! I must say, I'm a bit obsessed when it comes to pictures- especially of my little man. I think it's a great way to capture Gabe growing up... and they also make great keepsakes. Our house is literally filled with pictures- so much so that I've had to do some rearranging to find hanging space for all of them. What in the world am I going to do when we have 2 kids and all of their pictures!? I'm going to need a bigger house, for sure! One with lots and lots of wall space and hallways to fill! Anywho, here's some of our pictures from Amber! You can visit her webstite by clicking HERE or you can click on the link on the right hand side of the page! :) Enjoy! 

{please respect her hardwork and do NOT copy these pictures! Thanks!}

I LOVE this picture!! 
Seriously, one of my favorites!

This is a collage from all of Gabe's sessions! LOVE it!!

LOVE this pic of Gabe and Daddy! Gotta support Daddy's USMC days!

Adorable!! Seriously, can you beat this? 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Expiring: SOON!

The Rumors are True!!
Here Comes #2! 

We are so excited to start our next journey as a Family! 

Join us as we go through another pregnancy... 
this too shall be interesting! 

As Always, there will never be a dull moment!

{don't you just love Gabe's shirt? It says: Only Child Expiring: Soon!!}

Photo courtesy of Our Favorite Photographer
Amber Joiner from 

Click the above link to visit her website!  

Please Do Not Copy! 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Toys, Toys, Toys!

Well, after church today, Gabe and I went on a little shopping date. We enjoyed some lunch at Fazoli's and then hit up Goodwill, Target, and Kays. Boy, was Mommy TIRED after all this running around. I must say, I love my little man, but he really needs to learn how enjoy shopping! haha. 

We started our afternoon off at Fazoli's. This was Mommy & Gabe's first time dining alone- just us. And was I ever in for a surprise! It actually went well, besides the fact that they were all out of highchairs- so I had to use a booster seat for Gabe. Which isn't that big of a deal, except it had no straps to strap him in...which means my little man had free reign to get up and down- whenever he felt like it. And yep, you guessed it, he did just that! haha. Other than that, he was awesome! He enjoyed a few breadsticks, a couple bites of pizza and spaghetti. Mainly, he enjoyed watching all of the people in the restaurant! 

Next, we were off to Goodwill! I was on the hunt for some more books for Christmas and a few toys for Gabe at Goodwill. It seems that everyone is loving Goodwill these days- so I didn't have much luck at finding anything there today. I did manage to find one book and a new pillow for Gabe's room- but that was it. Nothing like my usual shopping trips to the GW! 

After GW- we headed to Target! I love Target! We were getting Gabe some new toys with his gift cards from his birthday. My little man was soooo good in this store. I bought him some popcorn when we first walked in- which kept him pretty happy throughout our time there. Once we found a toy he liked- I knew we were set to have a nice shopping trip there. We left with a couple new toys, a book, and some black pants for my little man. Oh & of course the popcorn! 

Finally, we were off to Kays! This is where my little man started to get a little mad. He fell asleep during the 2 minute car ride around the mall to Kays. I got his stroller out- thinking that he would stay asleep while we were in there. BOY WAS I EVER WRONG! haha. He popped right up as soon as I laid him down. So, I gathered all of our gear and headed inside.... hoping that he would stay calm! What I didn't anticipate was them being really busy. So, we had to wait for about 10 minutes. You might say that nothing can really happen in 10 minutes- but let me just tell you--- that's wrong! Here's what can happen in 10 minutes:: Gabe crawled out of his stroller and took off walking as fast as he could. Mommy chased him and caught him! Gabe took off again. Mommy went after him again and again and again and again. Do you get the picture? haha. Can you imagine just how tired Mommy was!? Of course everyone in the store thought he was the cutest little boy ever. And I won't lie- he is pretty stinkin' adorable. But man, he really needs to learn to stay by Mommy when shopping! 

Anyway, I want to mention these toys that I just absolutely LOVE. It's the B.Toys Brand at Target. I just love the look of their toys- and find them very well made and intriguing- especially to Gabe. Here's a few of the toys that are on my wishlist for Gabe this year: 

Ok- so this is super expensive and def not worth the price since he probably wouldn't play with it that much. But still, it's super cute. I'd go for something  just like this- only cheaper! :)) 

What child doesn't love making music? 

Again...can't beat making music!!

I actually bought him this for Christmas!!'s a secret! :)) 

Every child needs a Dr. Kit! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Impeccable Timing

It's amazing how God's timing is perfect. He knows exactly when to remove certain things in life in order to provide us with a better future.  I must say, now my family can have some actual peace in our lives. For the past year or so- it's been a battle- with people continually talking badly about our marriage and me as a mother. We've had to bite our tongues more than once and fake a smile a million times- just trying to do the right thing. I've listened to people say that I'm a bad mother and wife and that they believed the could raise MY son better than I. I've also been threatened with rights that don't even exist in the state of Illinois. Hmmmm, interesting, huh?  haha.  I've also had the oh so great opportunity of listening to someone tell me that I need counseling- only because our views, opinions, and way of life are different. It wasn't always easy being a bigger person- and I'm ashamed to admit that sometimes my temper got the best of me. However, with a lot of prayer.... I hoped and prayed that one day things would get better and we as a family could go on with our lives in peace. It's amazing how God knows exactly the right time to take things away and put them in your life. I'm at a point where I don't need stress in my life in order to keep my blood pressure down. God knew that- and he removed the point of stress for me. Now, I can live in peace and not have to constantly worry about when the next ball will drop. I'm so thankful for that. And I'm thankful that my family will now be able to live our lives how we want and not try to please anyone. I'm thankful that this all ended before Gabe was old enough to remember anything- and now he can live a full life surrounded by the people who truly love him.  I'm thankful that now, finally, Jesse and I don't have to worry about stabs at our marriage or at our parenting. We are now living the good, peaceful life we deserve!

Monday, October 22, 2012

I Pray for You

Pray For You
Jaron & The Long Road to Love

I haven't been to church since I don't remember when
Things were going great '˜til they fell apart again
So I listened to the preacher as he told me what to do
He said you cant go hating others who have done wrong to you.
Sometimes we get angry, but we must not condemn.
Let the good Lord do His job and you just pray for them.

I pray your brakes go out running down a hill
I pray a flowerpot falls from a window sill and knocks you in the 
head like I'd like to
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls
I pray you're flying high when your engine stalls
I pray all your dreams never come true
Just know wherever you are honey, I pray for you

I'm really glad I found my way to church
'Cause I'm already feeling better and I thank God for his words.
Yeah I'm going take the high road,
And do what the preacher told me to do,
You keep messing up and I'll keep praying for you.

I pray your tire blows out at 110.
I pray you pass out drunk with your best friend and wake up with 
his and her tattoos.

I pray your brakes go out running down a hill.
I pray a flowerpot falls from a window sill and knocks you in the 
head like I'd like to.
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls
I pray you're flying high when your engine stalls
I pray all your dreams never come true
Just know wherever you are, near or far, in your house or in your 
wherever you are honey, I pray for you.
I pray for you

Sunday, October 21, 2012

16 Months!

Yesterday, Gabe was 16 months old- or 1 year and 4 months old. Isn't is strange how we do everything in months for babies/toddlers? It's like instinct and everyone knows what you're talking about. Interesting, huh? Anyway, I realize that I haven't done an update like this on Gabe in several months. However, my little man is doing SO much these days, I feel it is only appropriate to do an update now. SO.... 

Dear Gabriel Lee, 

Yesterday, October 20th, you were 16 months old (that's 1 year and 4 months). You are getting bigger every single day. It also seems as if you learn something new everyday as well. You LOVE Cheerios and Goldfish- your 2 favorite snacks! We have recently started letting you eat bigger pieces of things as well- such as crackers and a few chips. Mommy and Daddy were nervous about this at first- but you seem to do just fine with it. You L.O.V.E. Cheddar Pringles, Macaroni, the Squeeze fruits, and Apple Juice. You started walking about a week ago- and have not stopped ever since. You are so proud of yourself- and clap whenever you are walking. Jumping on Mommy and Daddy's bed is also a favorite- as well as playing peek-a-boo in the tub! Speaking of bath time- it is still your favorite part of the day. You especially love getting to brush your teeth on your own after Mommy gives them a good scrub! Another favorite thing to do while in the tub- throw all of your toys out for Mommy to throw back in! 

You have SOOOOOOO many toys. In fact, this past week- we finished up getting your room all "baby-proofed" so that you could play in there without us worrying about you. You LOVE the freedom. I'll often look in your room and see you playing with all of your toys- going from one to the other. I must say, baby boy, that between Mommy & Daddy, Mama & Papa, and Gma Kim & Papaw Gary- and all of your aunts, uncles, and great grandparents... you are one well taken care of child. haha. I don't think that you will ever have to worry about not having anything that you could ever want. And you know what? We wouldn't have it any other way. You are so very special to all of us. You have proven the doctors wrong since day one and have grown into an amazing, smart, loving boy. We are so very proud of you. You greet everyone, even strangers, with a smile and nice "Hi." People would be just plain silly to not want to be a part of your life. You are so loving and kind and you have an amazing personality. Your smile can literally light up the room- and all of that talking you do puts a smile on my face. 

You've mastered a few words so far. Mainly "Daaa-daaaa" for Daddy- you will walk all through the house yelling Dada until you find him. You always say "Papa" all of the time. You even know when we get to Mama & Papa's house because you instantly start saying "PAPA" whenever we turn into their driveway. You've said "Momma" and "MaaaMaaaa" several time as well. While in the bathtub you will say "Duck" when I ask you what the duck is- and you will point to the fan and say "Fuuhh" for fan. We're still working on light- mainly light is "Buu." But I'm sure you'll get it in your own time. 

Besides playing with your toys- you are also very fond of the toilet. Seriously! I don't understand your fascination with the toilet but we have learned to always keep it shut... just in case. One thing that you have taught me is that I will no longer be able to use the restroom in peace. haha. Wherever I go- I am certain that you will always be right behind! But that's ok- because I love you. 

You are very fond of Rylee- however, Rylee is not very fond of you. You scare her- and she mainly runs away when you come after her. Recently, however, you have started to feed her your cheerios. I think that you are beginning to get back on her good side since doing this! You love to climb on the couch- and you are particularly fond of throwing things behind the couch. So far, just today, Mommy has found her wallet, remote, your shoes and food behind there. 

Well my precious baby boy. Time has certainly flown by. I can't believe that you are already 16 months old. Where does this time go? You are growing up way to fast. I'm so amazed at how smart, kind, and loving you are... you are truly one incredible little boy. Mommy and Daddy Love you very, very much! 


Mommy & Daddy

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Gabe's First's!

As many of you know, I began this blog to basically be a baby book for Gabriel. I wanted a way to document his life and pictures, and also a way to keep our family up to date. I've found this great website that will turn our blog into a book for us. I can customize the pages the way that I want as well. I am SO excited about this... and soon Gabe will have his first year and a half on paper! :) 

Anyway, I wanted to document all of his important firsts on one page. So, my friends, that is exactly what this post is all about. Gabriel Lee's Life and First's! :) 

June 20, 2011: Gabriel Lee arrived at 12:35 p.m. He was 2 pounds 3.6 ounces. 15 inches long. 

July 20, 2011: Flown to Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital in St. Louis from Carbondale Memorial Hospital. 

August 20, 2011: Gabriel Lee comes home from the hospital- weighing just under 5 pounds! 

September 6, 2011: Rolled over for the first time!

September 15, 2011: Admitted to Cardinal Glennon after a follow-up appointment for Hernia surgery. 

October 31, 2011: First Halloween! Dressed up as a pumpkin! 

November 24, 2011: First Thanksgiving! Wore a custom made Thanksgiving onesie! 

December 25, 2011: First Christmas! Wore a Santa outfit! 

January 19, 2012: Follow-up appointment at Cardinal Glennon. Had blood taken and laughed! 

January 22, 2012: Pulled self up for the first time! 

February 18, 2012: First time with babysitters other than Mama and Papa!

February 29, 2012: Ate Baby Puffs for the first time! 

March 25, 2012: Dedication at Church- Southern Illinois Worship Center. People in attendance: Mommy, Daddy, MaMa, PaPa, PaPa Ray, Gma Kim, Josh Fann, Uncle Benji, Aunt Nicki, and Emeri! 

April 4, 2012: Started Crawling!

April 10, 2012: Pull self up to walk while holding on to things! 

April 20, 2012: First tooth FINALLY came in! Can give High 5's!

April 30-May 6, 2012: First Vacation to Florida! Got 2 more teeth while in Florida! Now have 2 on top and 1 on bottom!

July 13, 2012: First step!

August 24, 2012: Took 4 steps all by himself!

August 31, 2012: Second Vacation to Florida!

October 15, 2012: Started Walking!! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Holiday Season 2012

Holiday Season is quickly approaching. If you're like me, you have found yourself wondering how in the world this season has managed to sneak itself up on you so fast? Last year, I was completely unprepared for Christmas. I am making it my goal to be more prepared this year. Along with being prepared for the Holidays, I have also decided to start a few new Christmas Traditions for Gabe.

I found these ideas on Pinterest and absolutely loved them! Our First NEW tradition is this: On each day leading up to Christmas, aka: The 25 days of Christmas, Gabe will receive one book to open. Each book will be wrapped or sent from Santa... and whichever book he opens that day will be the book that we read that night. On Christmas Eve, the book that he will open will be "The Night Before Christmas!" 

Our second NEW tradition is this: On Christmas Eve, Gabe will receive a "basket of goodies" to be used that night. The basket will include: popcorn, candy, hot chocolate, marshmallows, a toy, and a movie. The movie will be watched as a family that night while we enjoy some nice, warm hot chocolate. Most likely, we will be watching a Disney movie! I just haven't decided which one yet. 

Now, on to another idea that we have decided for Christmas. As you will see in the picture below, Gabe has too many toys. Literally, he has so many that he doesn't know what to do with them. So, in order to save some money and to avoid spoiling our child any more than he already is... we have decided to do this:: We are only going to buy Gabe 1 Brand NEW toy this Christmas, as well as some new clothes. All of his other "new" toys will be bought in the weeks leading up to Christmas from Goodwill. I must also mention that most of his books will also be purchased from Goodwill. However, all of his "goodies" for his stocking will be brand new items. 

Let me explain our Goodwill shopping idea. It's no secret to anyone how much I love shopping at Goodwill. I've been sooooo lucky to have found so many great deals on things, especially toys for Gabe. The best part about this is that all of the toys that I have gotten for Gabe from Goodwill so far have been in practically new condition. Can't beat that, right? And since toys are so expensive these days, you just can't beat the prices. Not to mention the books... I've found several books in like new condition for Gabe at Goodwill and the most I've ever spent on just one has been $1.00. Seriously, you can't beat these prices! (See the pics below of some of the toys I've gotten Gabe at Goodwill.) 

Along with these new traditions and ideas for the Holiday Season, we have also decided that we are going to take part in some sort of charity this holiday season. Whether it be buying for a participant in the Angel Tree program or taking part in Operation Shoebox at our church, I assure you that we will be doing something to give back. 

So, there you have it friends. Our plans for this upcoming Holiday Season. 

Pop up Toy- $2.00

All of these were $1.00 each


My mom got this for Gabe- it was only $1.00!!


Monday, October 15, 2012

We're Walking!!

On this day, October 15, 2012, Gabriel Lee OFFICIALLY started walking!! Can you believe it!? I am sooooo excited and he was pretty happy with himself too! 

I've been wanting him to start walking for quite some time now. Even though he took a few steps on his own several months ago... he's never really "walked" until now. I've been told that you can't force it on your child either. As much as I wanted him to start walking, I knew that it had to be on his time. However, I knew he was getting close... especially last night. See, I was sitting on the couch watching him play last night... and it was then that I saw him go from sitting on his butt to pushing himself up to the standing position. He has NEVER done that before! Every time he tried in the past, he would end up doing a somersault! So, last night, I knew we were definitely close to walking. I just didn't realize it would be so soon... or in fact, the next day! 

It happened like this. Gabe and I were at Mama and Papa's house today. My mom, Gabe, and I were all in the living room... Gabe was playing and climbing in and out of the magazine box. All of the sudden, he pushed himself up, just like he did last night. He took a few steps. And then he did it again. Taking more steps this time. And again, and again, and again! We were screaming and clapping for him! Gabe even clapped for himself too! We could tell that he was just as thrilled as we were! Of course, Mommy took several videos of this as well! 

I am so proud of my Little Big Boy! 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Celebration of a Great Life

Tomorrow, we will begin to celebrate the life of my Grandpa Ray. He passed away yesterday morning in the hospital. It all happened so fast- and it really makes you realize how little time we actually have on this earth. I could literally kick myself for not having more pictures of him and Gabe. They were buddies for sure... Grandpa loved to yodel for Gabe and sing for him. He always taught Gabe how to stick his tongue out and make noises with his mouth. I wish I had those moments on camera. I wish I did so badly- so that one day Gabe could watch them and see how close they really were. 

Though I know that we as a family are saddened by our loss- I know that Grandpa is dancing away in Heaven right now at this moment. He's not crying tears for us- He's probably singing and laughing. I know that he had the biggest smile on his face when he was re-united with my Grandma. After 10 years without her, I know he was ready to see her face. So today, I know that they are looking down on us- saying not to mourn our loss but to celebrate their reunion and their life. 

Today, I was walking my niece, Emeri out to the barn to play with Papa's puppies. As we were walking she said, "Hey Ami- Papa Ray is up in Heaven. See, do you think that he's up in those clouds right now?" And then she started waving up to the sky and said "Hi Papa Ray!!" Isn't it amazing how children can see things so clearly? How everything is so simple and it makes sense? Why can't we all think like that? 

I like to think that we start out in Heaven before we are put on this earth. And if this is true- then I have to believe that our baby is up in Heaven right now with his/her Great Grandma and Grandpa- dancing, singing, and learning about life. I have to believe that they are preparing our Sweet baby for this cruel, unfair world that we live in today. And I have to believe that they are showing him/her the same love and affection that they have shown me throughout my life. (Oh & that they are telling him/her how wonderful of a family they will have!) :) 

So, even though I am very sad about this loss... I am overjoyed for my Grandpa to be in a better place. I'm happy that he is re-united with his love, my Grandma. I have peace in knowing that one day, we will see him again. He was one of the greatest men I ever knew. He loved the Lord, loved his family, and he loved fishing. I just wish that some of that "tight with money" trait would have rubbed off on me a little! haha. As the days and years will go on, I promise to make it a priority to always, always tell Gabe how much his Papa Ray loved him and how much fun they always had together. I will remind him every day how Papa Ray would get a big smile on his face everytime Gabe came into the room. These are the memories that I will never forget. I feel very blessed that my child had the wonderful opportunity to spend time with such a great man, a great Grandpa! :) 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Election 2012

Now, it's no secret to anyone on how much I not only dislike, but disapprove of Obama. However, I'm not here to try to influence you or even put my opinions down anyone's throat. With that said, here is my view of this upcoming election. 

I find this election to be one of the most important elections for this country. 4 years ago, I was one of those who was amazed that Obama even won the election. I was a supporter of McCain/Palin... for many reasons... but one of my main reasons was the amount of respect I had for John McCain. He was a prisoner of war... and if you haven't read the article about him in Time Magazine, I highly suggest that you do. Whether or not you supported the man 4 years ago... the article will definitely give you a new perspective and a new respect for the man. Anyway, back to my point. Did Obama win the past election because he was honestly better? Or did he win because he was/is in fact the first African American President? I'm positive that an argument could be made for both. 

I'm the first to admit that I'm not a big political person. Honestly, I find it annoying at how each party and nominee plays so "dirty" during election time. I mean really? Why does it have to come to that? Shouldn't it just be:  this is what I believe, This is what we need to do and this is my plan on how to do it. Instead we get to hear all of this plus more... like this is what my opponent says and this is how he is wrong. BLAH BLAH BLAH! 

I don't think it would take a genius to run this country. Correct me if I'm wrong... but if the candidates would just listen to the people instead of battling it out, we might just get somewhere. It's the simple things that need to be done... but then again, maybe not so simple. Again, it can all be debated and I'm definitely not a genius on the matter.  What I do know is that the country's deficit needs to be reduced, employment needs to go up, and business in America needs to go back to the people and workers in America. The rich need to be more charitable and the poor need to quit complaining and get up and try to get a job and stop living on welfare. Gas prices need to go down and we should start finding oil in the good ole USA. DUH! And we shouldn't mess with the Social Security and Medicare benefits that our grandparents, parents, etc have worked their entire lives for. Seriously? The elderly people in our country have worked their entire lives to get what they have today... no one should mess with that. 

Do I think that either of the nominees are the perfect fit to be president? No, I don't. In the words of my husband... "choose the lesser of the two evils." I'm sure there are great qualities in each candidate... and I'm sure that each one is a decent human being. I honestly believe that our president of this country should have been in the military at one point in his life. I mean, really... they're the Commander in Chief of this country... shouldn't they have some military experience? Correct me if I'm wrong... but NEITHER candidate has any military experience. Interesting...

Anyway, I could go on and on... but then, I'm not a genius on these matters. It's just my personal opinion. :) 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dancing with the Stars!

Oh my goodness! I can not believe it has been over a month since I've blogged. I promise, I am going to try my best to do better! Just thought I'd give you all a quick update on our life! 

Well, Jesse went back to midnights at the mines. I can't say I'm thrilled about it- however, I am a lot more used to it than I was before. And I must say, there's something about living in town that makes me feel safer being here alone at night... is that weird? 

Gabriel Lee is getting SO, SO BIG! It still blows my mind that he is over a year old. I was going through his picture album the other day and I just can't believe how far he has come! He is so bright and fun! I'm so amazed every single day at the new things that he learns. For example, he has recently discovered climbing onto things. And when Mommy says "No, No," He laughs. He thinks it hilarious. Now, I know that this is where discipline should come in- but when he looks at me with that big smile because he's having so much fun... it's hard to get mad! He is standing on his own more and more and trying to take more steps by himself. I'll admit that I wanted him walking by now- but I know that he'll start in his own time. He is EVERYWHERE in this house. Seriously, I don't understand how he moves so fast. I can usually hear him coming or going because he normally has one of Rylee's squeaky toys in hand. It's hilarious and it drive Ry nuts. She thinks he's playing with her, when in all reality Gabe thinks it's his toy. Sometimes, yes, we do have a battle of the toys! haha. 

Have any of you been watching Dancing with the Stars: All Stars? I love most of the dancers, but I must say I have a few favorites. Now, here's my take on the contestants this year: 

  • Apolo Anton Ohno --> He's good. Actually he's really good. I enjoyed when he danced with Julianne Hough in the earlier seasons. However, He's not my favorite. 
  • Bristol Palin --> I actually like her! No, she's not the greatest dancer by any means. But I admire the fact that she's trying even though she knows she's not as good. Do I think she'll win? No. But I'm still a fan! 
  • Drew Lachey --> I like him only because he's Nick Lachey's brother. haha. He's pretty good on the dance floor too. 
  • Emmit Smith --> This GUY was my favorite during his past season. I'm always a fan of the pro football players for 2 reasons. 1) They usually end up in at least the top 3. 2) You know they've never really danced before- and they're awesome! I'm a fan of his. Not sure if he'll win- but definitely a fan! 
  • Gilles Marini --> I must admit... I have no clue who this guy is. But... the guy CAN dance. He's not my favorite- but it'd be ashame for him to get sent home any time soon! 
  • Helio Castroneves --> I loved him when he danced with Julianne Hough. He's pretty good! Again, not one of my favorites- but he's good! 
  • Joey Fatone --> Even though he got sent home tonight... I was still a bit sad. No, he wasn't the best dancer at all- but he was a great performer. I enjoyed his dances. 
  • Kelly Monaco --> Didn't she win like season 1? I feel like the celebs that have been on since her are much better. Don't get me wrong, she's pretty good...But I do think there are several much better than her! 
  • Kirstie Alley --> I have no words. I'm a fan of Kirstie- but not a big fan of her dancing. 
  • Melissa Rycroft --> She's good- but I don't think she'll win. What is she famous for anyways? 
  • Pamela Anderson --> It's good she went home week 1. Sorry, but the others are better!
  • Shawn Johnson --> This girl is one of my favorites as well! She can dance and I sure hope that she puts some tumbling moves in a future routine. I also find it hilarious that her partner is always out of breath at the end of the routine and she's breathing just fine! i def think she'll be in the top 3! 
  • Sabrina Bryan --> THIS GIRL IS MY FAVORITE  OF ALL! I pick her to win! Unless of course, she's gets screwed again like she did during her first season on the show. She is an amazing dancer and always nails it! I love her! If she doesn't win- i definitely think she will be in the top 2! :)
So, here's my prediction for this year's top 3 finalist of Dancing with the Stars: All Stars! 

Emmit Smith

Sabrina Bryan

Shawn Johnson

Ok, there you have it. My personal breakdown on this season's Dancing with the Stars! Who do you have picked to win it all!? 

Well, that's it friends! Have a good one!