Anywho, Last weekend Jesse and I went out for the night- kind of the first LONG night out we've had in quite some time. We got a babysitter for the boys and headed to the winery. It was fabulous. The weather was perfect, the cheese dish was delicious, and the Sangria was WONDERFUL! :) haha.
My 2 baby boys are growing up sooooo fast. Seriously! I hate it. Lincoln is getting so, so big. He's definitely my laid-back child. He just loves watching his brother play and jump and run. haha. He sleeps in and goes to bed early (most nights). It's perfection. Gabriel on the other hand- he's my high maintenance child. He's always playing, running, screaming, laughing, and talking. He gets up super early and stays up super late. haha. But man, I do love those boys. In the mornings, Lincoln and I move to the couch, turn Mickey on for Gabe, and take small naps between shows while Gabe drinks his morning milk and watches Mickey.
Can you believe that my little baby boy, who was born so early, is talking up a storm now? What is he saying? Well, let me tell you some of his favorite sayings...
"Goooiiinnnn' to Papa's" (on our way to Mama and Papa's house)
"Mommy, Papa's mowin'. Papa's mowin' Mommy" (As he's running to the door to go outside to mow with Papa)
"Cow- MOOOOOO see the cow?"
"See the P's?(P's = Birds)
"See baby- see my baby Momma" (talking about Lincoln)
"Baby cryin'" (talking about Lincoln)
"Mickey Momma- Bubble" (talking about the Mickey episode "Pluto's bath"
"Car-Car!!" (talking about his cars
"Momma- I poop" (Self- explanatory)
"Here we go"
"1-2-3 GO!"
"See Bebe- goin to see Bebe?" (Bebe= his cousin, Emeri!) :)
He's saying so much more- I could probably write out 2 pages of my little man's sayings. He's so darn cute. He's starting to love his stuffed animals more these days. When we took him to the zoo one of his favorite animals was a Hippo. About a week later, I found him a stuffed Hippo at Goodwill for $1.00. (It was one of the ones that Kohl's had some time ago- so a buck was a score! haha). He also got a stuffed Leopard at a yard sale with Mama this past week (Which was from Build a Bear) that he also loves. He has to sleep with them every night. It's adorable.
Speaking of sleeping...My little man is having night terrors. I hate it. He screams out in his sleep and tosses around for about 5-10 minutes at a time. It doesn't happen every night but on the nights that it does it goes on for about 3 hours. They say not to wake your child up- just to hold him and block him from anything that might hurt him. I sure do wish that these terrors would stop. I hate seeing my little boy having a bad night. :( Good thing he's been sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's room- that way he's close.
Have I told you all about Jesse's new job yet? I know I should know this- but let me tell you- sometimes I can't even remember what I did yesterday! hahaha. Anyway, Jesse got a new job at the coal mines. And let me tell you- this changes everything for us! We're finally on the road to getting completely out of debt. YAY! My new goal is to have us debt free in one year. I know we can do it with some discipline and determination! Some prayers for this would be appreciated too! :)
Well, it's that time again- you know, DIET time. I've been so sick and tired of being fat. I thought for sure that breastfeeding and keeping up with 2 boys would make all this weight just fall off. Boy, was I WRONG! So, starting this week I've become determined to start this weight loss journey. I've done a lot of researching on the best and most natural ways to lose weight. Obviously, it's no shocker that eating clean and exercising is the way to go. So, I'm going to start eating a more clean diet and exercising. I started walking today- my goal is to walk 2 miles at least 3-4 times a week. I'd like to lose 10 pounds this month and a total of at least 40 by December. I know I can do it as long as I stay on track and stay determined. I want to be healthier. I want to be healthy for my kids so I can run and play with them without getting tired. I'm refusing to buy clothes- i'm determined to fit into my pre-pre pregnancy clothes. :) Stay tuned as I'll be updating every few weeks on my weightloss journey! :)
That's it for tonight folks. I got Jesse's bucket packed for work, the kitchen clean, and both boys to bed. So, it's time for this tired Momma to get some sleep too! I have several crafty ideas and recipes to try - so check back soon for some updates on those as well! Have a good one!
Lincoln Alexander Schiff
Gabe meeting his brother for the 1st time
Amber & Lincoln
Time to go home!
I LOVE this picture that my Brother Josh took!
Gabe loved his brother's swing!
He was sooooo hairy! haha
Smiling in his sleep
1st bath- he wasn't a fan.
Luckily, he loves bathtime now!
Date night with Mommy & Daddy
1st trip to the zoo!
Watching the HIPPO'S
<3 Brothers & Best Friends!
Photo courtesy of You-nique Capture Photography.
Do NOT copy.
silly boy.
Waiting for Emeri to come down the slide!
Cape that Mommy made him1
Photo courtesy of You-nique Capture Photography.
Do NOT copy.