... if I make a conscious effort to stop yelling at my kids when they are misbehaving and START being more calm.
You see, at our MOPS group at church one of the ladies made a comment about a little girl coming to her home one time and saying that she liked it there because her mom was so quiet or peaceful... something along those lines. Forgive me, I can't remember the exact quote. But you get my point, right?
Anyway, it seems like I am always yelling or speaking sternly to these two crazy kids of mine. "Don't climb on that, Stop hitting your brother, We have to share, We go pee in the potty, Don't put that in your mouth, Stop throwing your food, Please don't climb on me, Don't play in the cabinets, Get down before you fall."
Sound familiar? Anyone? Anyone??
Truth is, I have 2 little ninjas that are constantly searching for the next thing to do that will seriously injure them. NO joke. And my words seem to go in one ear and out the other. THEY. KEEP. DOING. IT. All the time. Ok, maybe not all the time... but they're boys- so what do you expect?
Anyway, for the next 30 days I am going to do a little experiment. I'm going to consciously make the effort to stop yelling and start speaking calmly to them when they are misbehaving. I'm anxious to see how things will change. Will they listen better? or worse? Will they too become more calm? Will the tantrums over sharing stop?
It's important that we set good examples for our children. They REPEAT everything. Gabe has heard me say "Go stand in the corner" so many times that he has started to tell Lincoln to "Go to the corner." Crazy thing is, Lincoln listens to him! haha. Back to the point, we MUST set good examples. Our children learn and are molded by what we say and do- by our actions. I know for a fact that I want my kids to be well mannered, well behaved children that people want to be around. I want them to love God and show him to others. I want them to be the friend that their friends know they can rely on and seek advice from someday. I want our house to be a "safe, fun" house that their friends want to come to.
So Mommas, do any of you want to join me on this little journey? It's bound to be a fun ride!