Ami's Top 10 Wish List
1. Tiffany & Co "I Love You Ring"
2. Front loader washer and dryer
3. Dishwasher...or a maid. I'll take either
4. A digital camera that takes GREAT pics... like the ones that retail for $500+
5. Over-the-knee boots
6. Bigger House
7. My Nissan Altima back
8. $1,000,000
9. Sapphire diamond band to go with my wedding rings.
10. A Lifetime of free diapers! :)
Now, I realize that the sapphire band is a long-shot...mainly because I keep asking Jesse for one and he keeps telling me no. His reasoning? He says that I already have 3 bands for my ring... I don't need another. My argument back? A girl can never have too many diamonds. And... I probably won't ever get my nissan altima back... it's just a dream. It was soooo pretty. I miss it! Maybe one day when I'm older and my kid is out of a carseat... I will have an altima again! I'm determined!! OH & the $1,000,000... Jesse and I are determined to win Monopoly at McDonalds! hahah. :)
Well friends, that's about it. I've been up most of the night crocheting hats for Gabe. My next project is to make a monkey and owl hat...and then some for all of my nieces and nephews.

P.S. Today, Gabriel wore shoes for the very first time! Isn't he handsome!?
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