Sunday, November 13, 2011

Taking time for the small things in life.

Tonight, I'm all about taking time for the small things. I had a million things to do tonight... not to mention the fact that my printer is a piece of junk and NEVER prints when I want it to. Anyways, I was trying to get Gabe to sleep so I could do everything I needed to do. I gave him his nightly bath, followed by his bottle. He fell right asleep in my arms. So, I put him down and no more than 2 minutes later...He was SCREAMING! Now, here's the problem... He's a bit spoiled. We've been trying to break him of it...but it's just not working. The only thing he wants is to be held...allll the time. So, I gave in and picked him up and got him back to sleep. Went to put him back down and yep, you guessed it...screaming again. I figured he'd cry himself to I gave it 10 minutes. Nothing. Still crying. Not asleep. So, I picked him up, trying to figure out what I was going to do. I couldn't do this all night...especially with so much to be done by the morning. Gabe always sleeps well when he's in bed with, I layed down with Gabe and got him to sleep. He fell right asleep, with his little hand on my chest. I couldn't help but just lay there with him for a while... he is just too sweet. I realized that I need to stop and take more time for these moments. He's going to grow up way to fast and one day, he won't want to lay with, I'm going to enjoy it. After awhile, I went to get up and when I did he reached his little hand out, looking for me. It was the SWEETEST thing ever. SO, I laid back down for a few more minutes. A little, sweet smile swept over his face and he was sound to sleep.

So, here I am now...1:00 in the morning, blogging and finishing everything I had to do. Now, it's time for bed because we have a LONG day tomorrow.

Night all and remember... take some time for the small things today! :) 


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