I'm taking a slightly different turn in my blog post tonight folks. I want to talk about something that we all know about... but we don't always talk about. And that would be, Selfishness.
Selfishness. Dictionary.com states:
1. devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarilywith one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardlessof others.
characterized by or manifesting concern or care only foroneself: selfish motives.
Regardless of what any of us think...we've all been guilty of being selfish more than once. But lately, I've been blown away at the selfishness of some people. Now, I won't go into detail, but seriously folks!? Come on. I'm getting tired of hearing excuses and explanations and everything else. What's so wrong with the truth? A simple yes or no. I will or I won't. I care or I don't care. I want to or I don't want to. I can or I can't. I'll try or I won't try. It's that simple. Don't beat around the bush. Just say it like it is. Don't be selfish and make others feel bad because of it. I'm so sick of hearing excuses and explanations it's ridiculous. I'm just plain sick of the selfishness. What about selflessness? What about putting others before yourself? What about friends, families, or even strangers?
All I'm saying is that it's the holiday season. Not exactly the time to be selfish. So, to lighten this post up a little... let's think about this. Since it IS the holiday season... drop a dollar or two in those salvation army cans outside the stores...you know, the ones that volunteers graciously stand outside in the cold weather, ringing that bell, only to have MOST of us ignore them. Those people are standing out there for a organization the believe in. Have a little mercy people. Have a little grace. It's the time of giving. Don't be a selfish person this holiday season.
And...DON'T use the excuse that you're buying for family and friends...so you can't spare a dollar. That's the most selfish excuse ever! Charities like the salvation army collect donations to help make other's lives better. Wouldn't you want that if you were in that situation?
So, be a little less selfish friends. Be selfless... be giving... be loving. Have a heart this holiday season...think about everything you have and everything that some people don't have. And if it's not donating to those little red cans outside the stores...buy for an Angel tree child, donate to Toy's for Tots, or send a shoebox to a third world country. Do SOMETHING! Giving is much better than receiving! And remember, you will be Blessed!
Now, on a slightly different note... I just have one thing to say.
Bite your tongues, Mr., Bite your tongue.
Now, Get up and go give! It's the holiday's... the season of Giving! :)
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