Tuesday, October 8, 2013

5 Months!

Well, 8 days ago my baby was 5 months old! 5 MONTHS! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!? Where did the time go? I was looking through pictures of when he was born and it's so hard to believe it was that long ago. I don't want him to grow up! Gabe is going to be 3 next year! Why oh Why are they growing up so fast!? 

Anyway, here's our 5 month update: 

- Rolling CONSTANTLY! Yes, I mean constantly. That boy would roll across a room if I'd let him! 

- Still breastfeeding and taking 4 oz of bottle when I can't breastfeed. 

- He found his toes and now LOVES playing with them!

- Enjoys sitting in his walker watching Mommy cook! 

- Enjoys watching shows with his brother... Mickey Mouse, Curious George, Daniel the Tiger... 

- Still poops & pees a lot. 

- Has the cutest little laugh around

- Loves bath time! 

- Loves watching his brother play

- Does NOT enjoy it when his brother tries to lay on top of him... 

- He DOES enjoy it when his brother gives him hugs and kisses

- Weighs 15 pounds! 

- Wearing 3-6 months and some 6 months in shirts; size 3 months in pants

- Size 2 diapers

- Loves to cover his face with blankets

- Loves playing with his hands

My baby boy is growing up and learning new things every single day. He's already trying to crawl. I think he's going to be a fast learner from watching his older bro all of the time! Boy, am I going to have my hands full or what when they're both walking!? I better catch up on my rest while I still can! 

How cute is this burlap "Pumpkin" wreath I made last night! I'm loving it!

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