Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy 6 Months, Lincoln Alexander!

My Sweet Baby Boy, 

Today you are 6 months old...that's half a year! I can not believe how fast time has flown. You are getting SO SO big already! At your checkup this week you were just over 15 pounds. You are rolling over like it's going out of style. And when I say rolling... I mean you're rolling EVERYWHERE! Last month you got a helmet to help fix your little head. Apparently, it's a little misshapen- but honestly, no one can tell unless they're looking real hard! :) I must say that with that helmet on- you think you are BIG stuff. You've learned that you can roll into things and not get hurt. The other day you were rolling into the bookshelf and laughing! Now, I'm just worried about what you're going to do when that helmet comes off for good. The doctor says that you should only have to wear it for 3-6 months. I think it'll be more like 3 months simply because your little head was already correcting itself before you even started wearing the helmet! Oh- by the way- you're helmet is pretty awesome! Mommy even decorated it with your name- so you definitely look like a stylish boy! You have started laughing out loud and "Talking" more and more. Those little toes of yours... My Goodness how you love those toes. You're always pulling them into your mouth! Bathtime is still one of your favorite times of day! You just splash and splash and eat those toes of yours the entire time. You also enjoy spending lots of time in your walker and exersaucer and Sophie the Giraffe is your favorite toy! :) Watching your big brother play is also something you have grown quite fond of. I look forward to when you get to start playing with him. These past few weeks have been exhausting. You see, Mommy left you in your rock-n-play a little too long. And now, Mommy has the fun task of transitioning you to your crib. Believe me child when I say that I've tried everything!! Nothing was working. Luckily, I read online where other mother's suggested using a changing pad wedge in the crib - it's supposed to remind you of the rock-n-play. So, you know what!? I got one tonight and right now you are all snug and sound asleep in your crib! AHA! Truth be told, I liked having you close to me- which is why you were still in your rock-n-play. But, little man, you like to roll around while you sleep and that rock-n-play just wasn't made for that. I swear you almost tried to jump out of it this morning! 

Baby Boy, you are growing too fast. We are starting you on foods and so far you like applesauce and potatoes. You're not too fond of bananas just yet! :) We just celebrated your first Halloween and I must say that you were the cutest Mickey Mouse Ever! You are so much fun to be around. You are loving just like your brother. And you love to give big, slobbery kisses too! I wish we could freeze time so you would stop growing up! 

Happy 6 months! 



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