- Sitting up on his own
- Trying to crawl... he army crawls and rocks back and forth on his hands and knees
- LOVES watching his big brother play
- Sleeping in his crib at night
- Eating baby food. Favorites include Sweet potatoes, Applesauce, Pears, and Green beans
- Still breastfeeding and supplementing with formula
- Drinks out of a sippy cup occassionally
- LOVES cheerios and the baby puffs AND Yogurt bites
- Enjoys bouncing and singing
- Likes to play with his pop up toy
- Loves bath time and trying to climb out of his tub
- Still wearing his helmet
- Enjoyed his first snow by being bundled up in his stroller
- Beginning to dislike his carseat... It's time to upgrade!
- Likes to play with his brothers cars... when his brother lets him
- Loves to laugh out loud
- Thinks that Rylee is funny
- Poops... a lot.
- Likes to play with his hands and clap
- Likes to play with his toes, too!
- Enjoys being read too... when he's sitting still!
- Loves to walk around in his walker
- Enjoys bouncing in his exersaucer
- Loves anything that makes noise
- Wearing 6-9 month clothes!
- Wearing size 2 diapers
- Occasionally wears shoes... (When Mommy remembers them)
- Fighting his 1st cold. :(
- Did I mention that he eats ALL THE TIME!?
- Growing like crazy
Image Courtesy of You-nique Capture Photography. Please DO NOT copy!
Dear Lincoln,
You are getting so big so fast! I wish you would stop! :) You're becoming quite the little man... Eating all of the time! You are almost as big as your big brother! :) You love bathtime and trying to climb out of the tub. Your favorite thing to do is pat-a-cake... you even do it by yourself sometimes. Your big brother is one of your favorite people... you try so hard to play with him, though sometimes he doesn't let you. But one day, you'll get bigger and make him let you! haha. You LOVE to roll around everywhere- especially with your helmet on. You've discovered that you can't get hurt with the helmet on so you just go anywhere and everywhere that you can. Recently, you started army crawling and I know that before long you will be crawling EVERYWHERE! These past few months you have been sleeping in your crib at night. It was a tough transition because Mommy let you stay in her room too long- but now, you're getting the hang of it. You have started to sleep in, which Mommy LOVES. However, sometimes your big brother will make too much noise in the mornings and wake you up. When we feed you food you like to try to grab the spoon... so the food usually ends up all over you too. You're favorite shows to watch with your brother are Mickey Mouse and Curious George! You get real excited when they are on and will actually sit and watch them. Sometimes, my child, you get a little mad and insist on being held. :) You've found your voice and love to sing and talk to yourself. You're growing so fast! This month we will be celebrating your very FIRST Christmas! I'm so excited- even though I know you won't remember it. And in just 5 short months you will be 1 year old! How did that happen! We love you sweet baby boy!
Mommy & Daddy
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