So, now that the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is over I thought I'd do a little update.
I regret to tell you this. I lied. I did. it's true. You know how I said we were only buying the boys a tablet and one big toy each, yeah that didn't happen. I went a little overboard. I couldn't help myself. As much as I wanted to stick to my plan, I just couldn't. I stayed up on Black Friday shopping online and found so many deals that I couldn't pass up. Plus, It was Christmas... and kids should have a magical Christmas, right? So unfortunately I didn't stick to my plan but my kids did have a wonderful Christmas.
I Love Christmas time and I'm really sad that it's over. Christmas is my favorite. My house looks so bare now that all of the decor is down. My mantle looked so sad...but thankfully I've got some new decorations up there that Im' actually liking... a lot.
Anywho, this weekend brought on some nasty stomach bug for this family. It wasn't fun at all. BUT thankfully it was only a 24 hour bug and we all seem to be on the mend. Friday was our 5th Anniversary and Jesse and I finally got to celebrate tonight a little by going out to dinner and a trip to wal-mart! WOOOO!! BIG party! haha. NO, but seriously it was nice.. and we're kid free which is even better so I'm able to get some much needed work done tonight and get my house cleaned. AHHHH, at least it will be clean for a few hours until the boys come home tomorrow.
So I was watching the movie "Mom's Night Out" yesterday and I literally felt like I was watching my life...again. It's the second time I've watched the movie and I swear I laugh so hard throughout. You know those Mommy melt-downs she has in the movie. Yeah, I have those... a lot. I mean seriously... A LOT!
But here's what i know...
I"m not a perfect mom. I fail every single day. ALL. THE. TIME. I lose my cool a lot especially when the boys are screaming and fighting and acting like a dinosaur 24/7. But I often find myself hating that I got so mad at the end of the day because these are the days, the moments that I won't get back with my children. These are the times and the memories that I want to cherish and hold onto forever.
So, at the beginning of this year I made a goal for myself to be more present with my children. TO laugh more and yell less. To snuggle, hug and kiss as much as I can before they're too old and too cool for me. One thing I'm doing is reading the Book "5 Love Languages of Children." I'm super excited and can't wait to finish it!
That's all for tonight folks! I got a house to clean and laundry to fold. :)
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