Friday, April 3, 2020

Quarantine's got me like...

Wow! I haven't updated this blog in 3 years. 3 YEARS! How does that even happen? Life. Life get's busy. I originally started this blog as a way to journal my kids' life. Seeing as I have failed to update in 3 years well.... there goes that. But yeah, life get's busy. AND then... it slows down. Because... QUARANTINE! Yep, I figured I'd jump back in seeing as how we'll be home for the next month and really, there's no excuse anymore. 

March 15th is the last day my kids were out of our house. Ok, ok... that's not exactly true. I did pile them in the car one day to go thru McDonalds... but they didn't have shoes on, they were wearing the same clothes that they'd had on for about 4 days and they didn't get out of the car until we pulled back in the garage. So technically, March 15th was the last day they've been out of this house for fun. That was the last time they were at my parent's house for Papa's birthday. Quarantine's been rough, y'all. I'm getting real tired of babysitting my parents' grandkids. Yeah. I said that. For real though, besides the few times Mama and Papa have dropped by for a few minutes, my kids haven't gotten to see them. Did I mention that quarantine's been rough? 

But let's look at the bright side. My family is healthy and safe. We have a stocked fridge, enough toys to last us for days, craft projects lined up to get us through and oh, yeah... we have enough toilet paper to last us at least another week or so. 

When this quarantine happened we were just getting back from a mini vacation to Green Bay and Chicago. Yep, we were in Chicago right before this all happened. GO figure. Anywho, we got back and things got real. Our fridge was bare because I had cleaned it all out before we left and we were down to like 2 rolls of toilet paper. NO big deal, right? We really didn't see this all coming. I guess that's what happens when you don't pay a lot of attention the news. Lesson Learned. So, when the rumors started (before the official announcement) I was frantically trying to get groceries and toilet paper. I wasn't one of those crazy people that was trying to hoard enough food to last us through an apocalypse...I was just trying to get enough food to last us a few weeks. OH and to stock my fridge.... remember when I said it was bare? I got lucky and went to our local Dollar General and found a pack of toilet paper before they got slammed and nothing was left. Whew. I headed to walmart and wouldn't you know that almost everything was gone?? C'mon people, what are you really going to make with milk, eggs and bread... and 1,000 rolls of toilet paper?? Ugh, I digress. 

What was that? The Bright side? Oh yeah, that. Ok, well in all seriousness, this quarantine has been a lot of fun. My kids are playing, their getting to facetime with their friends and this Momma has crafty ideas coming out of my ears to keep them entertained. We've gotten to spend a lot of time as a family and eat a lot of home cooked meals. Ok, ok... those first few weeks we did get a lot of take-out. BUT we were trying to support local businesses. However, this past week I decided that we were going to have home cooked meals everyday of this month. I even made a nice little meal calendar so I would know exactly what to order with my groceries. We even made a new rule that our kids HAVE to try whatever Momma cooks... and so far they've discovered that they actually like what I'm cooking. I mean, who would have thought? 

We've gotten a lot of work done on our house too. We've spent a lot time outside and today we did a lot of yard work and sprucing up outside. I even took my Christmas decor down from the front porch last week! I mean, come on, if that's not a win then I don't know what is! Let's be honest, last year that stuff stayed up ALLLLL year long. I even decorated my front porch for Spring/Summer. See, quarantine isn't all bad! We've got a checklist going of things we want to get done. That includes power washing the house and doing a thorough cleaning of our windows. 

Let's get real. In all honesty, this time for us to slow down from our fast-paced lives has been a welcomed change. I still have A LOT of school commitments to keep up with (#teacherlife) but slowing down has been nice. Before all of this, we literally had something every night. Wrestling, Ninja Class, Team Ninja Class, Wrestling, Piano... We were busy ALL. THE. TIME. I'm not complaining, we enjoy being busy but slowing down is also just as great. 

Now, that teacher life. WHEW! Shout out to all of you teachers who have moved to online learning and are figuring it all out as you go! I'm going to be a pro when this is all over. Our school has moved to distant learning and yesterday I spent the day finishing up packets and packing my student's things up. It was roughhhhhh. At first, when this shut down happened and they announced it for a week, I was happy. Not gonna lie. I could use an extra week off. But then it kept getting extended and the reality that I wouldn't get to see my kiddos at school anymore became a harsh reality. There's a lot of opinions about this "online learning" and I won't go into all of that or get political. But let me say this... it's hard on teachers. I'm not going to get to say a proper goodbye to my students at the end of the year. I spend MORE time with these kiddos than I do with my own kids. I love them each like their my own. They've taught me so much this year. I miss their smiles, laughs, silly jokes... the list goes on. We're not going to get to have our Kindergarten graduation and I won't get to see them in their cap and gown. Not to mention, their parents won't get to see that either. Like I said, Rough!!! So people, take it from me. Your teachers are taking this hard too. And yes, we're still working hard behind the scenes so we can continue to educate our students. Let's be real, I spend MORE time now working on lessons than I do in the classroom. That's because not only am I working on lesson plans but I'm also making my lesson plans available to parents, making videos for our lessons, posting story time almost every day for my class, the list goes on. No, this isn't time off for teachers. We are still working hard every single day. Ope, that's right. I said I wouldn't go off on a rant. Ok, Rant over. 

Anyway, this post is long. That's enough. I'll be back on here writing because like I said, Quarantine. In all seriousness though, I hope each and every one of you are staying healthy and safe. I don't take this situation lightly, by any means. I am totally aware of the fact that my family is very blessed to be able to stay at home during this time. We thank and are praying for everyone who is still working during this time. 

That's all folks. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay 6 feet apart. AND wash your hands! 


Monday, April 10, 2017

Private School

WOW! ONE year! That's how long it's been since i've updated. there's no excuse. NONE. :) 

There are time when we get asked... "why did you send your child to private school? Isn't that expensive?" 

Let me tell you... Sending Gabe to a private, Christian school this past year has been the BEST DECISION we have EVER made. Hands down. I can't even put into words how happy we are with our decision. So... let me take you back to the beginning. Back when we were making this decision. 

Finances have always been our biggest fight. Biggest struggle. When we had Gabe our credit card bills got higher, the medical bills kept coming and our credit went down the drain. Literally. But hey, it's a work in progress and we're almost completely debt free! WOOOO!!! I always knew that I wanted to send my kids to private school. There are some personal reasons that I won't disclose but some others that I will. I wanted him to be in a Christian environment. I wanted him to get more attention. I wanted him to have smaller class sizes. I wanted him to get a quality education. 

I had no doubt that we wanted to send him to Unity. My niece had already been going there for a few years so sending my kids there was a no brainer. Yes, I was worried about the cost. Let's be honest, when it's all said and done we could buy a few brand new cars for the price of their education. Priorities people... it's all about priorities. 

I knew that the tuition would be a sacrifice for us. I knew that it would take some balancing, some serious planning and sticking to a budget. But I also knew, without a doubt, that my children HAD to go to this school. 

Around this time last year the school had Open House for new families. I told Jesse that I was going to go... to tour the school, meet the teachers and take a look at the curriculum. We had pretty much decided at this point to keep him back a year in K4 instead of going to Kindergarten. But I told him that if I looked at the curriculum and felt like he should go on to Kindergarten then we'd do that... if not, we'd keep him in K4. 

I went to that Open House. I toured his building, met the teachers and took one look at the curriculum. I seriously looked at maybe 2 pages and thought... "Wow, he has to go to K4. There's no way we can throw him into Kindergarten at this school. Their K4 program IS at Kindergarten level." I got the information packet that had the tuition and other fees in it. I took it home. I won't lie to you all... the price was a little intimidating. I had an idea of what I thought it was... but yeah, i was wrong. SO, SO wrong. 

I went home that evening and told Jesse about the school and the curriculum. I explained that he would be learning at a Kindergarten Level in K4. He would leave that program knowing how to count to 100, count by 5's, 10's... he'd know the alphabet (which he already knew), but he'd know the sounds they make and how to recognize each letter individually. He would leave that program being able to read. Then I explained how they talked about kids from their school testing better than others. I was sold. Jesse was sold. Then i told him the price. I expected him to say NO. I expected a "we live 2 blocks from the school and it's free. he's going there." BUT Instead he said... "OK. This is what we have to do." There was no arguing. There was no worrying about the cost. It was simply this is what is best for our child and we will make it work. 

Flash forward to today. We are almost at the end of our FIRST year. And we are SO, So sad to see it end. We love the teachers, the program, the school... EVERYTHING about this place. So when people ask me why we send our children to a private school, why we spend THAT much money on it, I usually just say it's because we felt like this is where our children need to be. It was our own personal decision. I make it short and sweet, because if I gave my actual answer, we'd be talking allllll day long. But let me tell you now. 

Fair warning, you might find some of my reasons a little silly. I get it. But this is MY own personal opinion. Take it as you will. 

I LOVE that my child is going to a Christian school where he learns the Lords Prayer and others. Where he is surrounded by teachers who truly care and pray for him daily. He starts everyday off with Pledges... First to the American Flag, then to the Christian Flag and then to the Bible. Pledges are followed with the Lord's Prayer. He is taught a Bible lesson daily. They have chapel every week where he gets to sing praise and worship songs and here different pastors throughout our community speak. I can't tell you the number of times he has come home singing a new song or telling me a scripture he has learned. My child is learning at a Kindergarten level. Though some may question our decision to hold him back a year... I have no doubt in my mind that this was the BEST decision for him. He is in a smaller classroom where he gets more time with the teacher. I feel safer knowing my child is at this school. And I know that might sound ridiculous to some but they peace and comfort that comes with knowing that your school is prayed over daily is amazing. I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that if something were to happen my child would be in good hands with teachers that would do anything and everything they could to keep him safe. Don't get me wrong, I know that every teacher would do the same but like I said, knowing that your school is prayed over daily is very, very comforting to a Momma. 

There are some who might think that because it is a private, Christian school we don't deal with bullies and such. That is absolutely not the case. I'll be honest... I was naive at first and thought this too. But what I have learned is that when these problems do arise, they are handled very differently. The teachers talk to the students instead of yelling at them. They look at scripture and they pray about what they have done wrong and they talk about the right way to correct the behavior. Do i still worry that my children might be the victim of bullying in the coming years? Yes. Do I still worry that my child might be a bully himself? Yes. But what I know is that if this ever does happen, it will be dealt with constructively. 

I've had the great pleasure and opportunity to work at the school the past few weeks while one of Gabe's teachers in his building is on maternity leave. It has been the BEST time. I absolutely LOVE getting to see my child every day and watch him learn. It's been an eye opener and only confirms to me that this was the absolute best decision for our children. 

Lincoln will be going to Unity during the next school year. It's going to be hard. It's going to be stupid expensive. But you know, that wasn't even an argument. Because we both see how important it is to send our children here for the coming years. Jesse and I may not see eye to eye on religion all of the time but THIS. This we 100% agree on. 

So when people ask me how much it is? why do you pay so much? The answer is simple. It is worth it. Would I like a brand new car sitting in my driveway? Yes. Do i like driving a car that's half as old as me? No. Do i realize that if we didn't send our kids to a private school we could have a new car sitting in the drive right now? Yes, yes I do. But let's be real for a second. A car. A new house. Material things. They are just that... Material things. They don't matter. If you would have asked me that 10 years ago I would have said heck with the school I'd rather have a flashy new car to drive. But like i said... they're just material things and my child's education... Well, that's something that he will use for the rest of his life. So how do we afford it? Why do we pay it? Because in our eyes... a Great education is one of the best gifts you can give to your children. :) 

Friday, April 1, 2016

when you have to eat your own words

If you remember, several months ago I posted about our terrible, no good doctors visit. If you're not up to speed as to what I'm talking about I'll give you the quick (well the quickest version i can) run down. 

So, our favorite pediatrician, Dr. Pav, retired last year. It was a sad, sad day and honestly I am still a bit traumatized. I didn't know what we were going to do. He had been the boys' doctor since birth... we love that guy. He would end every visit by telling my that I'm a great mom and that I'm doing everything right. The boys loved him and most importantly, he loved the boys. We had a special bond... with Gabriel being so little when he was born it was nice to know that we had the best doctor caring for our little man. And then came my little ninja, Lincoln, and Dr. Pav jumped right in and cared for him just as well. When he retired I was so upset because I thought there is no way anyone could replace this doctor. But i tried. After a few recommendations to a doctor here in town we thought we'd give it a shot. It was so close to home and more convenient. Well, this doctor that we saw was terrible. and i mean TERRIBLE. She judged me for our personal beliefs, asked me "does he always talk like that" when she walked into the room and then said "I guess that's a good enough reason" when I told her I didn't know my family's medical history. I AM ADOPTED. I DON'T know my family medical history. As you can probably tell, I still get heated when i think about that visit. And for her to ask me " does he always talk like that" well, that just burns me to the core. A little sidenote: Lincoln was behind on his speech- he's come a LONG, LONG way. He needed tubes in his ears... the ninja just couldn't hear us talking which then led to him not being able to "talk" as well as he should have. So, for her to ask me this was just down right aggravating. Since that happened I have said that never again will I visit this facility. Even after the manager of the office called to apologize- I was dead set on never, ever giving them my business again. I just couldn't believe the way we were treated. It was appalling and just downright rude. Anyway, that's the short version. You can read the long version here

Dr. Pav used to give his clients his home number in case of an emergency. You can only imagine that since he retired I had thought about calling him 10000000 times. If we're being honest here, my kids haven't been to a doctor since that last visit because I haven't worked myself up to switching doctors yet again. SO, imagine my surprise when I'm scrolling through facebook today and see that Dr. Pav is COMING BACK! YESSSSS!!!! He is going to start seeing patients at Rea Clinic in Sesser. I mean seriously- you can not even fathom my excitement. I've been soooooo excited about this all day long. I can not wait to get my kids back in to see him. Rea Clinic has been on my "NO" list for quite some time now but this, well this just made me a customer again. Plus, it's in Sesser and i have no issues with the Sesser office. I AM SO EXCITED!!! 

So, not that they will ever see this but Dr. Pav we are soooo happy you decided to come back out of retirement. We miss our pediatrician and as a mother i can't imagine my kids seeing anyone else. Rea Clinic, GREAT Move on your part. You won back my business today and I must say I can't wait to visit your facility for as long as our favorite doctor is there. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

When Momma Loses her Cool...

You all know what I'm talking about... don't deny it. You know, that moment when you as a MOM lose your cool...

For me, the happy mom turns into the angry, sleep deprived mom that just wants her child to go to sleep. Usually, this happens about 5 hours AFTER i've put the ninjas to bed. And typically, actually 99.9% of the time it is Lincoln who refuses to sleep.

It never fails, almost every night I will put him down between 8:30 & 9:30. We say our goodnights, give kisses and I shut the lights off. I say "I love you" and head out the door. Fast forward to about 10 minutes later... Lincoln's up. He usually starts by playing with toys in his room, turning on the lights or opening the door. If i'm not upstairs- then it's the little footsteps coming down the stairs and his little head peaking around the corner.

Back to bed we go. Again. and Again. And Again.... AND YES, AGAIN! Seriously, i keep my cool for a few hours as this routine just keeps on going. Finally, around midnight or 1 A.M. when i'm really tired and ready to go to sleep and just sick and tired of putting that kid back in his bed... I LOSE it. I threaten no tablet, no playing in the morning... anything I can think of. It doesn't phase him. NOw that Jesse is back to work,I threaten to wake daddy up. NO response. HE doesn't care. He just does not want to go back to bed.

SO then, Momma really loses it. YOu either go to bed or go sit outside. By yourself. He laughs and says NOOOO!Of course, it doesn't phase him because he knows there is absolutely no way that I would actually stick his cute little behind outside. But the threat of it should have some effect, right?

Tonight folks, well tonight I had enough. This kid just WILL NOT sleep. EVER. seriously, i don't know if he ever does sleep. honestly. Sometimes I fall asleep on the couch before he goes to sleep because i'm so tired from trying to stay up until he's passed out. and then he's up at the crack of dawn. I'm not kidding.. the CRACK OF DAWN that kid is in my room saying "Hi Momma" in his sweet little voice. WHEN DOES HE SLEEP? WHY WON'T he sleep?

I've tried everything. EVERYTHING! i'm not even kidding. Regardless, I've got to find a better way of getting this kid to realize that sleep is good... it's GOOD. it's necessary for momma. it's necessary for the happiness of this home. haha. but seriously. I'm trying to be a more present and happier momma because these are the days I will not get back. But shoot, this kid makes it hard for momma to be happy when it's 1 AM and he's still awake....

Can you relate? I know you can.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

the start of 2016

So, now that the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is over I thought I'd do a little update. 

I regret to tell you this. I lied. I did. it's true. You know how I said we were only buying the boys a tablet and one big toy each, yeah that didn't happen. I went a little overboard. I couldn't help myself. As much as I wanted to stick to my plan, I just couldn't. I stayed up on Black Friday shopping online and found so many deals that I couldn't pass up. Plus, It was Christmas... and kids should have a magical Christmas, right? So unfortunately I didn't stick to my plan but my kids did have a wonderful Christmas. 

I Love Christmas time and I'm really sad that it's over. Christmas is my favorite. My house looks so bare now that all of the decor is down. My mantle looked so sad...but thankfully I've got some new decorations up there that Im' actually liking... a lot. 

Anywho, this weekend brought on some nasty stomach bug for this family. It wasn't fun at all. BUT thankfully it was only a 24 hour bug and we all seem to be on the mend. Friday was our 5th Anniversary and Jesse and I finally got to celebrate tonight a little by going out to dinner and a trip to wal-mart! WOOOO!! BIG party! haha. NO, but seriously it was nice.. and we're kid free which is even better so I'm able to get some much needed work done tonight and get my house cleaned. AHHHH, at least it will be clean for a few hours until the boys come home tomorrow. 

So I was watching the movie "Mom's Night Out" yesterday and I literally felt like I was watching my life...again. It's the second time I've watched the movie and I swear I laugh so hard throughout. You know those Mommy melt-downs she has in the movie. Yeah, I have those... a lot. I mean seriously... A LOT!

But here's what i know... 

I"m not a perfect mom. I fail every single day. ALL. THE. TIME. I lose my cool a lot especially when the boys are screaming and fighting and acting like a dinosaur 24/7. But I often find myself hating that I got so mad at the end of the day because these are the days, the moments that I won't get back with my children. These are the times and the memories that I want to cherish and hold onto forever.

So, at the beginning of this year I made a goal for myself to be more present with my children. TO laugh more and yell less. To snuggle, hug and kiss as much as I can before they're too old and too cool for me. One thing I'm doing is reading the Book "5 Love Languages of Children." I'm super excited and can't wait to finish it! 

That's all for tonight folks! I got a house to clean and laundry to fold. :) 

Friday, December 4, 2015

we don't poop in the floor.

Can you relate? Come on, I know I'm not the only mom that has said this...more than once. Let me set the scene for you. 

The boys have been in bed since 9:30. Gabe has been asleep since about 9:45. It is now 1:30 a.m. and Lincoln is wide awake. 

I've been working on my embroidery orders downstairs. Jesse just went to bed about an hour ago. All was calm. We thought Lincoln had finally passed out. But, that little ninja. He tricked us all. 

So, I'm working away when I hear little footsteps coming down the stairs. I yell, "Go back to bed." 

Does he listen!? Ohhhh, heck no he doesn't.

Then I hear: "Hi Momma, I pooped." 

So, I check his butt. Sure enough, he pooped. But it's not the nice, hard regular poop. It's the nasty, stinky, runny poop that just runs and runs. UGH! 

We head to the bathroom and I start to clean him up. "I pooped Momma" Yes son, yes you did. 

We're all done and we head back upstairs to go to bed... AGAIN. 

A few minutes later, the lights start turning off an on. 

"LIIIINNNNCCCOOOLLLNNNN!!! I swear, if you're not in that room in your bed by the time I get up there you are going to be in BIGGGGGG trouble" 

Fast Forward 30 minutes. 

"Hi Momma, I pooped" 


Yep, you guessed it... he pooped again. 

Son, we why are you pooping so much? Why does it stink so bad? Why is it so nasty? WHY OH WHY are you not potty trained yet? 

So this time we head straight to the bathtub. I've convinced myself that it's the only way we are really going to get him clean and get that stink off of him. 

So, 1:00 a.m. and bath time it is! 

We head back upstairs... and it's then that I notice that not only did he poop but it is on the floor and the top 3 stairs. 

"LINCOLN!!! Did you slide down these stairs with your poopy butt?"

"YES, Momma! I lub you Momma" 

"I love you too, Lincoln. BUT we do not slide down the stairs in our poop!" 

"Ok, Momma. HAhahahahah" 

There's poop on my stairs. There's poop on the floor upstairs. The whole stinkin' upstairs smells like poop. So what do I do? I grab the cleaning supplies, clean the whole stinkin' thing and sanitize as much as I can. 

What's a mom to do? 

Why does my kid poop so much? 

Why is he not asleep? 

Why is it 1:30 am and my kid insists on being a dinosaur. 

At least, maybe...dinosaurs don't poop? hah!

I can hope, right? 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


No, we're not pregnant. Don't even go there. I'm pretty sure Jesse would kill me. Like, For REAL! haha. Though, I do want a girl... but that's under discussion for the next 5 years. lol. 

Anywho, I'm planning this super awesome birthday surprise for Jesse. It's top secret. I'm so excited myself that I'm having trouble not revealing the surprise to him. To be honest, if I pull this off without him knowing what it is- I'm going to be super, super proud of myself! I let it slip the other day that the money I had put back in a top secret location was for his birthday surprise. (Mainly because he couldn't figure out how that money just "disappeared") So, I caved...kinda. I told him that it was for his birthday/Christmas (since they're 5 days apart) and that it was a secret and when it's time, He will find out what it is. I gave few details... 

1) you have to be on location to help me pick it up 
2) it's Big and I'm not sure I can carry it on my own
3) it's super legit and you'll be totally, crazy happy when you receive it
4) it may involve some driving time and I hope it fits in our car
5) No it's not a 50 inch computer screen or a new desk

OK, OK... not all of these actually pertain to his gift. But what's a girl to do? I had to throw him off just a little so I wouldn't give it away. I broke the news to him last night that the delivery date got pushed and it might actually arrive after Christmas. Oh well, it'll still be awesome and a nice little "after-Christmas" present and excitement. 

I am SOOOOOOO excited about this. 

More details coming soon.'s a surprise! 


Jesse's Super Awesome, Amazing, Totally Secretive Wife.