Wednesday, April 27, 2011

23 weeks!

Today, I am officially 23 weeks! Time flies! and keeps on flying until August! So...update on baby and pregnancy: 

- What I'm craving these days: Sweets! and sweet tea! 

- How I'm feeling: exhausted...a lot. However, my feet haven't been hurting as bad since I got the prego chair at work! My hair seems to be getting thicker each day... as well as longer by the week! It's about time for a haircut! 

- What I don't like: Steak! Jesse loves steaks... I can't stand the smell of them cooking in our house! 

- Sleep: Still the same as before... harder to sleep unless I'm lying on my left side. When I'm on my right side my right leg starts cramping. I've learned to stop drinking fluids about an hour before I go to bed...that way my sleep isn't interrupted as much throughout the night! 

- What I'm looking forward to: Starting the 3rd trimester and decorating the baby room!

- Size of Baby Schiff: Baby Schiff is more than 11 inches long now and weighs just over a pound...think the size of a large mango! 

- Baby Schiff's development this week: He's getting blood vessels in his lungs that are developing to prepare for breathing. His keen ears are picking up more sounds. Loud noises, such as Rylee's barking are familiar now and probably won't faze him when he gets hear...Thank Goodness! 

-Message to Baby Schiff from Mommy: I'm looking forward to you getting here. It seems that time can't fly fast enough. I pray every night that you will be a happy, healthy, spoiled baby boy!  This week your daddy and I found you a bunch of goodies for you room as well as several outfits. We can't wait for you to get here! Love always. <3

Jesse always gets a pic when i'm not ready! haha. 

* Rylee looking at Mommy's belly! 

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