I'm starting this blog partly because Jesse told me that I needed a hobby. I have a hobby...many actually, but you see...they all require lots of money. In fact, I can't think of many things I actually like doing that don't require money! :) Another reason I'm going to start blogging...my bro Josh told me that one of his friends was blogging about her pregnancy, etc to keep everyone up-to-date. I liked that idea...especially since we have family that we don't get to see as much as we'd like. Plus, it'll give me something to do at night...other than watching criminal minds (which in turn makes me lose sleep because i have bad dreams).
...and so it begins. Get ready. it's an up close and personal insight into the Schiff household.
Currently, it's only Jesse, me, and our baby girl, Rylee (our dog). Rylee is currently the princess of the household. She receives treats just because, loves getting baths, and thoroughly loves chasing her laser light around the floor...which was part of her christmas this past year! And, she also likes to continue to pee & poop in our house, despite our best efforts to get her to go outside. We frequently follow with carpet cleaner and paper towels. yes, those have become staple items in this household. and before anyone starts judging, let me just say... she gets more treats when she goes potty outside...and she knows that she's supposed to go out there. however, she hates the rain, snow, ice, etc...pretty much everything but nice, sunny weather! but she's our girl, and mommy rarely punishes her... so that part is always left to daddy.
and now to the real interesting stuff....our baby boy!
I'm currently 23 weeks pregnant! ahhh yes, over half-way there...but still not close enough. Let me just say, i'm not one of those women who "glow" during pregnancy. Housing a human is exhausting! Up until last week, my feet looked like they belonged on a beluga whale, my face was fatter than usual, and my rings were fitting quite snug on my fingers. But, thank God for the prego chair at work. it's saved my feet from some very painful nights this past week! I can actually go home at night and still see my ankles and not have to soak them in epsom salt.
As we all know, pregnancy comes with it's own "nightmares." morning sickness, swelling, and lack of sleep. I knew that i would lose sleep once the baby got here, I was prepared for that. What I wasn't prepared for was the sleepless nights that would occur before that August 24th due date. I'm a stomach sleeper. always have been. So with this tiny baby boy inside of me, sleeping on my stomach has become impossible these days. i've resorted to sleeping on my side. The left side. It seems that if I lay on my right my leg starts cramping and it's impossible to go to sleep. It also seems to be a continuing trend that once I finally do get comfortable on my side, I have to pee. So, all of that adjusting and tossing, and turning is a waste because i have to make the long trek to the bathroom. ugh! and then it's back to bed to start the whole process again. AND, forget sleep if Jesse and Rylee are both in the bed! Jesse seems to be taking up more than his half of the bed these days...and then there's Rylee who continues to take up the other half, snugged right between us. and if she's not right in the middle....she down by our feet, making it literally impossible to move without kicking her. (and yes, i know she's just a dog...but she's my puppy. and to me, she's not just a dog!) so I end up on my side of the bed....with just enough room to MAYBE turn over if needed.
My morning sickness has seemed to calm down the past month or so. Those first 3-3 1/2 months were absolutely awful. I don't believe I could eat a meal without it coming back up 10 minutes later (sorry if that's too much information). These days I can keep pretty much everything down. I have a few times where I'll get sick, but nothing like before. That stomach flu a couple of days ago almost killed me. I was wishing for morning sickness again, because believe it or not, it was better than that stupid flu! Thank God it only lasted 24 hours!
well that's about it for tonight. i'm tired. Ry's already passed out next to me and now it's my turn!
*Easter 2011* 23 weeks
Love it Ami!