Tuesday, January 10, 2012

No heat and diaper rashes!

Well, last night our heat went out. Yep, that's right. In the middle of the night and in the middle of winter... we had absolutely NO heat! AHHHH!!! I woke up to a house that was 54 degrees! Jesse tried everything this morning to try to fix it... but nothing was working. Luckily, our landlord came over and fixed it. In the meantime, I got a few space heaters from my parent's house and we made due with those. It got quite a bit warmer during the day though...it got up to a whole 60 degrees in this house. Needless to say, I had Gabe all bundled up. hah! He was wearing socks, a sleeper, and a hat. He was definitely warm. 

With that being said, I frantically started cleaning our house today since our landlord was coming over. I don't like our house being messy when we expect company... so this was just the boost I needed to get it clean. I managed to finish the little area for Gabe's toys in our living room and hang a few more pictures up! :) I must say, our house is starting to look better... slowly but surely! 

So, today I realized that Gabe has NEVER had a diaper rash...and he's 6 1/2 months old! I don't know how common this is or if it really is a big deal... but for us, it is. I made it a goal when we had him that he would not ever have a diaper rash. So far, so good! :) What's our secret weapon!? Baby Powder of course! I baby powder his little butt all the time.. and when he had diarrhea this past week, I also used some vaseline to keep it from getting too red and dry! Works wonders I tell you! :) 

1 comment:

  1. Not to be a downer, but the Babby never had diaper rash until she was past one! I thought we were in the clear for sure! But keeping my fingers crossed you'll miss out on it!


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