Monday, March 26, 2012

Forget crawling, I'd rather walk!

Hello friends! 

Just wanted to give a quick update.... 
Here's what The Schiff Family has been up to lately: 

  • Gabriel got dedicated at our church this past Sunday. 
  • Of course, being the forgetful person I am, I forgot my camera! 
  • Have no worries though, our Church records every service, so this Momma will definitely be getting a copy of it! 
  • We're getting settled into our new home. 
  • I've found a new love for the Shark Steam Mop. 
  • My mom let me borrow hers... and let me tell you, I'm loving how clean my floors feel. 
  • I'm on a fruit and veggie diet now... 
  • Gotta lose some more weight before our Florida vaca. 
  • Did I tell you that Jesse might be able to go with us? 
  • We're super excited... 
  • Just trying to figure out some little details of schedules! 
  • Speaking of schedules... 
  • I registered for Fall Classes today at SIU! 
  • I'm super excited! 
  • Now, to get serious about the assistantship! 
  • I'm hoping and praying that something will work out! 
  • We got a new car! :) 
  • It's a Ford Explorer! 
  • Soooo much more room for all our things... 
  • You know, with a baby, there's a lot of stuff to bring along! haha. 
  • Gabe is scooting all over the place! 
  • I'm starting to wonder if that boy is ever going to crawl... 
  • I'm beginning to think that he might just skip the crawling and go straight to walking... 
  • Since he does love standing up all the time! haha.
  • Gabe is also laughing all the time.. 
  • It's the cutest thing ever! 
  • He's ticklish! 
  • Even cuter! :) 
  • Well, that's our week in a nutshell! 
  • Hope you all are having a fabulous week! :) 

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