Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Reminder to self: Always tie diaper genie bags!

Well friends, I have a confession. I forgot to tie the bottom of the bag to our diaper genie this last time. Here's what happened...

Yesterday, I went to get some groceries leaving Gabe and Jesse at home. I came home, food for Jesse in hand, only to find him in Gabe's room... staring at me as I entered. "Come here, I want to show you something" is what he said. I could tell by the sound of his voice... this wasn't going to be good. He then said... "When you empty the diaper genie and put in a new bag, you tie it, right?" That's when it hit me... I knew exactly where he was going with this. I couldn't help but laugh. "Oops... did I really forget that part?" Yes, in fact I did. Jesse said that when he noticed it was full, he took the bag out, only to have about 100 diapers fall out onto the floor and about an inch of pee sitting in the bottom of the genie. "MY BAD" I said...laughing just a little. He said that he worked on cleaning it all up for a long time. "I was literally knee deep in poo, Ami!" I responded by saying..."oh, it couldn't have been knee deep...maybe toe or shin deep!" hahahahha. 

So, note to self and to all those mama's out there: Always, Always tie the diaper genie bag when replacing it! hahah. I'm glad that Jesse was the one cleaning it up! I probably would have gotten sick by all of it! :) 

Have a good one folks! 

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