Sunday, April 1, 2012

Beautiful Sunday!

Hello Friends!!

It's such a beautiful day today! What is with this weather? It's March and it's sunny and warm and gorgeous! I can't believe it... but I'll take this over a cold, rainy day anytime! :)

So today, we're going to hang out with Jesse's brother, sister-in-law, and the kids. Hopefully we can get outside and enjoy this weather! I've been itching to let Gabe go out and enjoy a day outside playing! 

Speaking of my favorite little man... we're teething again. Yes, it seems like this process is never-ending. We've been in the teething stages for quite some time...but those little teeth just never seem to want to pop through. This Momma is definitely hoping that they decide to make an appearance soon. Gabe's been restless for the past several days and has gotten up more than once at night because his mouth was hurting him so bad. Teething Tablets, Orajel, and Tylenol just don't seem to be doing the trick. Hopefully those little teeth come through soon. It's bound to get better, right? 

Oh & I'm pretty sure that our little guy was starting to crawl today. He looked like he took a few small steps but it happened so fast and he was flattened out again on the floor in no time. But Jesse and I both saw it... so hopefully we'll upgrade from scooting to crawling in the next week or so. 

Anyway, that's all she wrote for now! Have a wonderful Sunday friends! 

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