Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mom, I'm going to make you even busier...

Yep, you guessed it... Gabe is trying to pull himself up now and walk! WHOA, WHAT!? 

He just finally grasped the concept of crawling... I was really looking forward to enjoying that phase. But it looks like my little man is just ready to grow up some more! :( I love it and hate it all at the same time. I look forward to the days when he is more independent, however, I'm going to miss these days when he's Mommy's little buddy and always wants me to hold him. Can we just freeze this moment of time so I can enjoy him being my little boy for a while longer? :(

The other night I was laying on the couch while he was crawling around in the living room...and he crawled over to me... grabbed onto the couch, pulled himself up, and took a few steps while holding on! Can you believe it!? 

I'm so happy for him... and I've always thought that he would walk before crawling... because he just loves standing up all the time. Looks like this mommy is going to get even busier watching her little man all the time. That's ok with me... I'm up for the challenge. 

Anyway, tonight Gabe is having a sleepover with Mama & Papa, and I'm catching up on some house cleaning, laundry, and decorating. I've been working on Gabe's room and I must say, it's looking better! 

Well, I'm off to work some more friends! Hope you all have a good one! :) 

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