Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Is there life out there?

Have you ever seen the movie "Julie & Julia"? Well, I'm having one of those "Julie" moments. Remember in the movie when she posts on her blog about wondering who really reads it? That's me tonight. 

Sometimes I feel like tons of people read my blog... and other days I feel like I'm writing for myself. Though this blog is for my family so that it can be our "Diary" of our family life and memories... I still like to believe that other people find it enjoyable too! So, today, I'm wondering... is there life out there? Who is really reading this? Am I just writing for myself or do I have some faithful readers out there? 

So, today, I have a request... if you're reading this, please comment and let me know. :) It would mean a lot to me. I would also like to know... what do my readers like? Should I post more recipes that my family loves? I do like to cook and try new recipes... actually, we're trying a new Rachael Ray recipe this weekend. Or do you want some DIY & organizing tips? I'm a sucker for do-it-yourself projects... and for organizing. Yes, it's true! Ever since I can remember... one of my favorite things is to ORGANIZE things. I know, kind of strange, right? 

Anyway, comment below! =) I'd love to know who my readers are! 



1 comment:

  1. Hey cousin! I read your blog when I get the chance! I love pictures of Gabriel and reading about what's going on with him and the rest of your life.

    Love from you cousin,



I love comments...Let me know what's on your mind! :)