Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring Break... Heck Yes!!

IT'S SPRING BREAK... well, at least for me it is! I'm off work all this week... so what does that mean? 

Well, this means that this Momma is going to do a whole lot of nothing... and a whole lot of something. haha. My plans consist of resting, catching up on some much-needed deep cleaning on our house, some re-organizing, exercising, tanning... and of course, my favorite... playing and spending time with my favorite little boy! I'm super excited and looking forward to some time off! I'm also going to go through the 2 closets here at our house and the other 2 at my parents' house and to some "spring cleaning" on my closets! 

Speaking of cleaning out my closets... I'd like to share a little story with you all! The other night I was complaining to Jesse that I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to wear! As always, he laughed. Why? I'm not sure... but every single time I say this he just laughs and says, "OK." Maybe it is because I have many closets full of clothes that I don't wear. I know, I know... ridiculous, right? Well, let me explain this to you a bit... Most of my clothes are from before I was pregnant and had Gabe... so most of them don't fit me like they used to. But I keep telling Jesse... well, when I lose more weight, I'll probably wear them again! His reply? Well, he says "Ami, when you lose more weight, you're not going to want to wear your old clothes! Just sell or donate them and buy all new clothes when you're ready!" So, how could I turn this idea down? He actually told me to buy new clothes!! Whoa!! hahaha. So, that's exactly what I'm going to do. I also always say that I don't have a purse to carry...when there is a tub full sitting in my closet. His response to this? Get rid of a few if you want to buy a new one! hahah. But I can't help but think.... "One day, I just might carry this one again!" :) 

Speaking of buying purses, I'm on strict orders to not buy a new Coach bag while in Florida! haha. We shall see how this goes! I've been wanting a new purse... and a Coach bag would be perfect! But, perhaps I'll settle for one that's a bit cheaper!

Anyway, back to Spring Break talk. This week also means getting down to some serious work out time. Since I'll have all the time in the world this week... it's time to get serious in the gym. My goal? Run/Walk at least 2 miles or more each day. Eat lots and lots of veggies and fruits. I've been doing pretty good at the fruit/veggie thing. It's hard cutting out all those fabulous foods that I love...but I'm trying to keep the mindset of "Hard work pays off...this is what I want." So, keep your fingers crosses. It's getting down to crunch time before the beach....and I'm bound and determined to get into that bikini! :) 

Have a wonderful week friends! :) 

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