Saturday, April 7, 2012

Lazy Saturday

Hello Friends! 

Well, today has been a pretty lazy day in the Schiff household. Jesse had to work last night... so he slept for part of the day. When he got up, I made some Fajitas, we watched the rest of a movie that we had started last night, and then my parents, brother, and sister in law, Kara, came over! :) 

My dad hung up some new curtains and valances that my mom made to match Gabe's room. They look awesome! :) They really make his room come together!  

Today, I played with my little man, cleaned, and did laundry (which is still going). I was quite behind in the laundry department... so today and tonight we are playing catch up! 

Right now, my little man is in bed... talking himself to sleep! Haha. He's so stinkin' cute! Last night, I walked into his room to check on him before I went to bed and he was snuggled up with his new elephant from Gma Kim and Papaw Gary! It was toooo cute! 

Anyway, tomorrow we have a BIG day! It's EASTER SUNDAY!!! And... it's Gabe's first Easter. He's going to have his first Easter egg hunt with his cousin Emeri! We're super excited! We're also going to go to church and then enjoy a nice family dinner with my side of the family! We're really looking forward to it! 

Oh & Gabe can't wait to find out what the Easter Bunny brings him! :)

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter! 

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