I love the Holiday Season. Christmas time is my favorite... i just love the decorations and the smell of Christmas in my home. It's wonderful, just wonderful.
As I sit here and think about this past year, I'm reminded of everything that I have to be thankful for...
My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, fought it and came out better than ever. I'm thankful for my children to have her and that she is doing so much better.
Lincoln was having issues with ear infections and his speech. He got tubes earlier this year and is doing so much better. We did Speech therapy for a few months and he "graduated" because he was doing so well. I'm thankful that he's doing so much better and is still our crazy little ninja.
Gabriel just keeps getting older on me and started his 2nd year of Pre-K. I'm thankful that he's learning, making friends and creating memories. I'm thankful to have such a smart, funny, handsome little boy who overcame the odds and is thriving despite what some said in the beginning.
Lincoln fell out of the shopping cart at Walmart in May and fractured his skull. It was awful. Just awful. I'm thankful for the sweet Angels above who protected my little boy. I'm thankful that the damage wasn't any worse than it was and that at our follow-up appointment they said he was doing Great.
We took our very first family vacation to Gatlinburg this year. I'm thankful that we had the means to go on a family trip. I'm thankful that our friends daughter, Shelbi got to go with us to help with the boys. I'm thankful that we got to create special memories together.
Gabriel started using the Potty FULL-TIME! I never thought we'd see the day, but one day it just clicked and Boom, no more diapers! I'm thankful for this transition. I'm thankful that I only have 1 stinky butt to change instead of 2.
My embroidery business really took off this year. I never thought I would make that much money from it and lately, I've been making triple what I have in the past. I'm thankful for this opportunity to work from home and still contribute financially to the family.
I made a change to get healthy this year, thanks to Plexus. I'm thankful for my sweet friend who introduced me to these products. I'm thankful that I am on the road to a healthier lifestyle.
I'm thankful to have such amazing friends in my life. I don't know what I'd do without that lifeline of laughing, sharing and drinking wine on occasion with friends.
Jesse lost his job at the end of September. That's never something that you anticipate but it happened. I'm thankful that despite him being unemployed we still have food in our fridge, a roof over our heads and clothes on our back. I'm thankful that we are still a family. I'm thankful that he's been home with us for the past few months and that the boys have gotten to spend more time with him than they ever have.
This past year Jesse and I had some issues, like all married couples do, I suppose. I'm thankful that we decided to work through them, together, and come out on the other side better than ever. I'm thankful that we never give up on each other no matter how much we drive each other crazy. I'm thankful to have such a loving husband who is an amazing father to our 2 boys.
Most of all, I'm thankful for my family. For those 2 sweet boys that drive me crazy and are making my hair turn gray way too soon. I"m thankful that I get to snuggle, laugh and kiss their sweet cheeks everyday. I'm thankful for our health and all that God has provided us with.
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