Sunday, February 26, 2012

Better Late than Never, Right?

Hello Friends! 

I am soooooo very sorry that this post is a week late. I have no legit excuse for this... except that I've been very busy and tired. 

Here's a breakdown of our week. And then we will get to our bathroom and laundry room portion of our House Tour!

This week: 

  • Gabriel was 8 months old on the 20th! 
  • Can you believe it? 
  • I started the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD workout. 
  • I've done it every night since Tuesday... 
  • Yes, she is kicking my behind every night... 
  • But I know it will all be worth it in the end. 
  • I'm determined. 
  • My best friend Rachel and I are also going to start the Intensity DVD workouts this week. 
  • We hear it's hard... 
  • But we're going to give it a shot anyways. 
  • We FINALLY got some bills paid off! 
  • Yes, it feels AMAZING to finally be on our way to getting out of debt! 
  • Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? 
  • Well, I have his books and we've been inspired by his debt-free living plan... 
  • So, we're determined to get there! 
I can't leave out an update on my favorite little 8 month old boy! :) He's getting sooo big! Love him. Anyway, here's what Mr. Gabriel Lee is doing these days: 

  • Eating baby food.
  • His favorites are Applesauce and Sweet potatoes. 
  • Not a big fan of bananas! haha. 
  • Sitting up a lot more! 
  • Rolling like crazy!! 
  • "Talking" like crazy! 
  • His favorite thing to say is "IIII GOOO" for "I'm Good!" :) 
  • We're teething again! 
  • SOOOO much fun...let me tell ya! :) 
  • Taking about 6-8 oz in his bottle.
  • Learning to like his sippy cup! 
  • Enjoys playtime on the floor with all of his toys! 
  • Love his cousin Emeri! 
  • He likes to give her kisses! 
  • Oh yes, he loves to give big slobbery kisses these days! 
  • They are the absolute sweetest kisses EVER! 
  • Loves to eat his little toes! 
  • Wakes Mommy up bright & early each morning... 
  • Even though we had a talk about this... 
  • I tried to explain that when it's dark outside it means it is still sleepy time. 
  • I don't think he really cares! haha. 
  • But that's completely ok. 
  • Mommy is learning to adapt to early mornings. 
  • I'm not a big fan...but we're getting there! :) 
  • He is about 14 pounds or more! 
  • Wearing 3-6 month or 6 month clothes! 
  • He likes "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" 
  • He will literally sit and watch an entire show. 
  • The "Lion King" is also a new favorite... 
  • Despite the fact that he falls asleep during the last 10 minutes! 
  • Wearing size 2 diapers! 
  • And of course... always keeping Mommy and Daddy on our toes! :) 
Love you Gabriel Lee! You're getting way too big way too fast! We can't believe that you will be ONE year old in just 4 months! Time sure does fly by! We are planning you the BEST 1st Birthday ever! Mommy is definitely excited about it! :) 

And NOW... Here is the tour of our Bathroom & Laundry Room! 

Our laundry room! 
My Dad put up a second shelf for us... I LOVE it! 

All of my paintings from when I lived in Carbondale! :) 

Yes, they are supposed to be crooked!


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