Friday, February 17, 2012

Busy Week

I am soooooo sorry that I have failed, once again, to not post sooner! Though it's no excuse, I've been quite busy this week. Jesse's been gone since Tuesday for the military and just got back today. So, Gabe and I have been hanging out all week. :) I promise, the house tour will resume this weekend! Anyway, here's a quick update on our life! 

  • Jesse FINALLY got home today after being gone for 4 days! Whew... sure seemed a lot longer than that! :) 
  • I have cleaned our house every single night this week... reorganizing, throwing stuff away, etc... 
  • I'm worn out! 
  • Gabriel has decided that he wants to go to bed earlier these days... 
  • Which means...he likes to get up earlier too. 
  • Mommy isn't a fan of 7 a.m. 
  • I am, however, learning. 
  • Our debit card got stolen while Jesse was in StL. 
  • So, the culprit decided to spend over $400 at the Hustler Club in East StL. 
  • Hope they enjoyed it! 
  • But, we are getting our money back from the bank! 
  • Thank Goodness! :) 
  • My dad came over and fixed our shelf in the laundry room! 
  • And he even put up another one for me as well! 
  • I LOVE it!!! 
  • Gabe watched Papa and also played in a laundry basket! 
  • He's just too cute! 
  • Tomorrow is date night for us! :) 
  • And it's Gabe's first time with a babysitter other than Mama & Papa! :) 
  • We're going to go see The VOW! 
  • I'm super-excited. 
  • Gabe also has his "6 month" pictures tomorrow... 
  • Yes, I know he's almost 8 months now... 
  • But, that's ok! 
  • Sunday we're hanging out as a family together too... 
  • Got some plans in the works for us to do... 
  • Just depends on the weather! 
  • Gabe ate sweet potatoes tonight... 
  • He absolutely LOVED them! 
  • He seriously ate half a jar! :) 
Anyway, that's what we've been up to! Enjoy the weekend! We'll be back on Sunday with the rest of the house tour. We'll start back up with the bathroom and laundry room and we'll end with Our bedroom on Monday! 

Night all! :) 

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