Sunday, February 5, 2012


Happy Sunday Everyone!!!

Well, this morning I went to church. We had a guest ministry there called "Eddie James Ministries." They were awesome! So, today, I want to talk a little about giving. 

If you haven't heard about Eddie James Ministries, I strongly encourage you to check out their website and see what they are all about. In a nutshell, they help teens and young adults transform their lives. These are young people that have been drug addicts, alcoholics, sexually abused, suicidal, etc. Living on the streets with no place to call home... And they found Jesus through it all and gave their lives to him and are completely changed. It's absolutely amazing to hear their testimonies! Right now, Eddie travels across the world with 40 young adults who share their love for God through music and ministry. Please, go check out what they're all about- just click here -->

Right now, Eddie and his team are working to expand their ministry so they can get at least 20 more people in their program. However, they can't do this without the support and funds from people like us! So, I'm not saying to just go and donate...but I do encourage you to go and read what they are all about, what they stand for, and see with your own eyes the remarkable transformations that these young adults have made. See what God is doing in their lives. And if you are touched as I have been, please consider donating! They need a commitment of donations by, yes, you have plenty of time between now and then to make your decision! We're going to donate... because this is something I believe in and it is something that I believe is a worthy cause! I'm sure you will too after you do a little research! And remember what the scripture says... 

 "Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you." 
Deuteronomy 16:17

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