Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Doctor visit x 2

Well Friends, today Gabriel had a visit with his favorite pediatrician today to get his last round of shots until he's 1 year old! Though, the shots are always the worst part of the visit, we always enjoy getting to see our favorite pediatric doctor! Once again, he told me how great of a mother I am and how he has absolutely no concerns for Gabe! Again, though I know this is true, despite what some have suggested, it's always nice to hear a doctor say it! :) 

Yesterday, Gabe also had a checkup at Cardinal Glennon! Let me explain how our visit went. His first appointment was at 1:45. We checked in at 1:40. It took them another 30 minutes to get us registered... so yes, our 1:45 appointment time had come and gone. I finally went up to the ladies and asked them if we were going to be registered soon... I was called back up there within 5 minutes. The lady sincerely apologized and said she was going to get us right back. She said they were running behind with registration. The problem was that our next appointment was downstairs at 2:30. OH my! This is when things got crazy!! We went back to the eye doctor first then went down to see the GI doctor, then went back up to the eye doctor to complete his eye exam, then went back down to get some blood drawn. Whew! Thankfully, both doctors gave us the A-OK and we don't have to go back to see either of them! EVER! Can you believe it? My little guy has surpassed everyone's expectations and is doing so good! He weighed a whole 14 pounds 13.8 ounces! WHOA! What a big boy! :)

Today, I also got the ok to start Gabe on any type of foods that he likes. It's so crazy that he's getting so big so fast! So, today, we tried those little baby puff bites for the first time. Gabe liked them! We also had some teething biscuits which he absolutely loved! It won't be long and he's going to be caught up in weight with other kid's his age! :) 

Alright, that's all for tonight folks! 

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