Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 2: Living Room

Day 2: Living Room

Here's the view of our living room from the kitchen. 
I just love the pillows my mom made me! :) 
Oh & more pictures to be added to our "Family" Black & white picture wall! 
I'm just waiting to order some more after Gabe's pics next week! :) 

LOVE my chest! 
It's perfect to store all of our blankets in! 
Plus, I got it and the trays for like 80% off at Hobby Lobby! :) 

Gabe's Toy area in the living room! 
I LOVE his new learn-to-stand toy. 
He loves it too... he laughs and dances along with it! 
SO, SO cute! 

Of course Rylee had to join in on the fun! :) 

Please excuse the wires... 
we still haven't figured out a way to hide them just yet! :) 

Love this! 
Our wedding pictures... 
And of course a picture of the Eiffel tower above them! 
Oh & can't forget a picture of our favorite little girl... our niece, Emeri! :) 

I call this...our wedding table! haha. 
It's our unity candle and my flowers! :) 

It is about time that we get rid of the swing! haha. 
Gabe's getting a little too big for it now! 
However, I do love our pictures of Gabe on the wall! 
You can't really see it, but the picture in the middle on the bottom is one of my favorites... 
It's a 5 Generation picture... 
With Jesse's Great-Grandma, Grandma, Dad, Jesse, and Gabe! 
I love it... and it's so Special! :)

The view from the front door! :) 

Tomorrow is Day 3 of the House tour!! 
And it is one of my FAVORITE rooms!! 
Gabriel's Room is next! 
I can't wait to show you all! 

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