Saturday, April 30, 2011

oh no...she has a paintbrush!

well, it's not thursday...but how about a crafty Saturday night!? Jesse even got a little crafty himself tonight! We had a lot of fun. 

Jesse decided to put together the star globe thing for the baby's room. despite his frustration with having to punch a bunch of little holes in it, he was very pleased with the way it turned out. I must say...I kinda like it too! Our baby boy is going to have so much to look at! Now, what this does is it projects stars and the different constellations on to the ceiling. Jess turned all the lights out in the house tonight and we tried it out! Definitely a good investment! :) 

Now, I got my paint and brushes out and starting working on a picture frame for Rylee. Now, just imagine for a moment....being 95% done and the only thing left to do is put her name on it and then...yes, you guessed it. I spelled her name wrong! I forgot the "L"....yes, leave it to me to mess my puppy's name up! Jesse of course made fun of me...asking if this was an indication of what will happen when our baby gets will i forget how to spell his name!? Obviously, I didn't find this too funny! But... no worries... i managed to fix it.. and it looks just fine! :) 

On another baby note... I got TONS of clothes last night. 3 bags full in fact! And yes, I made Jesse look at every single thing when I got home with it all! Now all we have to do is figure out where to put it all until the baby room is done. I got tons of clothes from 0 -12 months! So, the plan is to organize all of the clothes into months and then store them accordingly! This shall be a day long project. 

oh & i just remembered....remember my little rant about not letting jesse buy the toilet paper anymore! and also remember how we said he'd be sorry once he had to use it...and how he disagreed! well...guess who changed his mind about the toilet paper. Yes, he did admit tonight that the toilet paper is not very good at all! Guess who was right!? hahaha. 

Which brings me to a final note... we have a black futon for sale!! someone needs to buy it!! I need money...ok, that's a lie.. I want money! haha. and we need the extra room. so, if anyone knows anyone that would like a futon...tell them to buy mine...$100 or best offer! We've barely used it and right now, it's acting as a baby/craft storage spot. It definitely needs to GO!'s some pics from our night tonight.... 

Jesse working hard.... 

the finished product


More stars....

The beginning of Rylee's picture frame...

The end of Rylee's picture frame... 
(can't even tell i messed her name up!) 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day of Discovery.

well, i was going to post my latest creation today. however, we had some friends come over tonight so i didn't get to it. I have plans on what I'm going to work on tomorrow or saturday I should have something up. 

on the other hand, it took me over an hour to get home from work tonight. this rain and all the flooding is really getting old. Which means I'll have to leave for work extra early tomorrow just in case the route I take is blocked off. I'm going to go a different way we shall see. 

I discovered that Baby does not like McDonald's... that was a fun discovery after lunch today. I also found out that he doesn't like much caffeine. So it looks like from here on out it's going to be nothing but water. That's a good thing I suppose....water is best...but i've never been a huge water fan. so, this will be interesting. 

Also discovered that Rylee likes the sauce from Dimaggio's for cheesesticks. Somehow, she snuck her way into the kitchen onto the table and stole the sauce. How she did this, I do not know. We've learned to keep all the chairs pushed into the table, so somehow she has learned to maneuver her way up even when they are pushed in. She's also learned that if she wants anything off of the table, she has to do it in the time that we're not watching her. That girl! It's amazing she's not 50 pounds! :) 

Another discovery I made... DO NOT let Jesse buy toilet paper if I want the soft, good kind. I sent him up to DG tonight to get some and he came home with the not-so-soft kind. He said the lady told him that his wife would be upset or something...but of course, he went ahead and bought it anyway... because it was "1,000 sheets." Rachel and I made fun of him for awhile tonight and said he'd be sorry once he has to use it. He seems to disagree. This too shall be interesting. Looks like i'll be buying the TP for now on! :) 

Our home's temperature changes daily. At night it seems that I get really hot and have Jesse turn the air down. However, when I wake up in the mornings I'm usually freezing, so I turn the heat on. Then when I get home from work, there's no happy medium, so it's a constant changing of the temperature. I wish I could find a balance in the temp...just haven't figured it out yet. Eventually....hopefully. 

Just remembered that I should have put a load of laundry in tonight. Instead, I think I'll get out the pregnancy books, read a little, and then call it a night. :) 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

23 weeks!

Today, I am officially 23 weeks! Time flies! and keeps on flying until August! So...update on baby and pregnancy: 

- What I'm craving these days: Sweets! and sweet tea! 

- How I'm feeling: exhausted...a lot. However, my feet haven't been hurting as bad since I got the prego chair at work! My hair seems to be getting thicker each day... as well as longer by the week! It's about time for a haircut! 

- What I don't like: Steak! Jesse loves steaks... I can't stand the smell of them cooking in our house! 

- Sleep: Still the same as before... harder to sleep unless I'm lying on my left side. When I'm on my right side my right leg starts cramping. I've learned to stop drinking fluids about an hour before I go to bed...that way my sleep isn't interrupted as much throughout the night! 

- What I'm looking forward to: Starting the 3rd trimester and decorating the baby room!

- Size of Baby Schiff: Baby Schiff is more than 11 inches long now and weighs just over a pound...think the size of a large mango! 

- Baby Schiff's development this week: He's getting blood vessels in his lungs that are developing to prepare for breathing. His keen ears are picking up more sounds. Loud noises, such as Rylee's barking are familiar now and probably won't faze him when he gets hear...Thank Goodness! 

-Message to Baby Schiff from Mommy: I'm looking forward to you getting here. It seems that time can't fly fast enough. I pray every night that you will be a happy, healthy, spoiled baby boy!  This week your daddy and I found you a bunch of goodies for you room as well as several outfits. We can't wait for you to get here! Love always. <3

Jesse always gets a pic when i'm not ready! haha. 

* Rylee looking at Mommy's belly! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spoiled!? nahhh

well, it looks like baby Schiff has it pretty good! Jess & I went to Belleville today to take care of some car stuff and then we stopped  by the St. Claire well as Goodwill! I found some cute cardinal onesies at Goodwill! I'm so excited! Jesse isn't a big fan of baseball...but that's ok. He can still learn to like it :)  We also stopped by Michael's... I wasn't expecting to spend as much as I did but I did find a lot of goodies! First of all, I found some wall decals for the baby room. They were only $5.99- originally $ I couldn't pass them up. And in case you're wondering, the baby room is going to be a space theme. You'll see in the pictures below why I'm so excited to have found these decals. I've been looking online for them...but haven't found them this cheap yet!! Jesse found this solar system light thing that displays stars and such on the ceiling. We're definitely going to break that out in the baby room as well! I must say, I think Jesse was kinda enjoying himself helping me find all the goodies for the baby room! Now, to decide on paint colors... 

Jesse was so sweet and drove me all the way back to Lottawatta creek after Michaels. Needless to say, we came home with half of our food. It was delicious though!'s some pics of some of the goodies we have for Baby so far. The top 2 pics are the clothes that we bought him the day we found out we were having a boy...he may be a bit spoiled already! :) 

*Got these when we found out we were having a boy!* 

Our Goodwill finds! 

*He's a Cardinal fan already* 

Wall decals for his room! 
(not too sure where the robots come in...but Jess liked them!) 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

so, i've spent quite some time tonight trying to customize this site and make it look the way I want it to. In that process, I've come to a few decisions about this blog. Honestly, I probably won't update every single night. but I will say that I will update at least 3-4 times a week. To add a little spice to this blog, every Wednesday will be an update specifically for baby and every Thursday will be "crafty thursday" in which i'll let you all in on my latest creations. Because, of course, as you all may know, I'm going to be making tons of things for our little boy and his room! 


is this rain ever going to end!? It's getting ridiculous! and Rylee does not like storms at all. One thing I did discover that Rylee likes tonight...potato ole's from Taco Johns. Yes, i'm pretty sure she ate half of mine tonight...and she's still begging for more! I honestly believe that she thinks she is a human sometimes! Now she's about to pass out by my feet, probably from all the food she stuffed into her little belly! 

Speaking of Rylee...she cracks me up! I swear we've given her at least 5 bones and rawhides to chew/play with. However, instead of doing either...she resorts to hiding them in random spots throughout our house. Example: hamper. How she got it there is beyond me. And when we find any of these and throw them to her...she simply picks them up and whines until she finds another hiding spot. We re-arranged our room last week and found one...oh how she whined until she found another spot. 

Tomorrow the husband and I are venturing out of this town to go shopping at st. claire. hopefully it doesn't storm too bad tomorrow. fingers crossed. I'm mainly looking forward to the shopping part and the Lottawatta creek part :) doesn't get too much better than that! I can't wait to see what we find for our baby boy! I must admit, as it's no secret, girls have much cuter clothes than boys. But don't worry, I'll still have my little boy dressed to a 'T' every single day! He's already spoiled, with at least 6 brand new outfits already in his room. Not to mention the books and a few toys we have! Despite his daddy's wishes, I'm sure he's going to be spoiled rotten. I wouldn't want it any other way...I grew up being the princess, so why shouldn't my son be the prince of our home!? 

St. Claire mall has a tropical Jesse's going to be able to put that money he made in the Easter egg hunt to good use tomorrow! I'm genuinely excited about tropical's only one of the best things about summer! I do love Goodwill shopping too. So, of course a stop there is in store for us well as Babies R Us! Can't forget about Michael's craft store too! Jesse will probably hate me by the end of the day...because he honestly hates shopping...especially with me. My process of shopping consists of looking, looking, thinking, putting it down a few times, going to check out, re-thinking, and then finally making a decision! haha. not a process Jesse likes too much at all! 

well, that's about it for tonight. I'm going to work some more on customizing this blog and finding some more ideas...

night all! 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

and so it begins...

Hello Friends! 

I'm starting this blog partly because Jesse told me that I needed a hobby. I have a hobby...many actually, but you see...they all require lots of money. In fact, I can't think of many things I actually like doing that don't require money! :) Another reason I'm going to start bro Josh told me that one of his friends was blogging about her pregnancy, etc to keep everyone up-to-date. I liked that idea...especially since we have family that we don't get to see as much as we'd like. Plus, it'll give me something to do at night...other than watching criminal minds (which in turn makes me lose sleep because i have bad dreams). 

...and so it begins. Get ready. it's an up close and personal insight into the Schiff household.

Currently, it's only Jesse, me, and our baby girl, Rylee (our dog). Rylee is currently the princess of the household. She receives treats just because, loves getting baths, and thoroughly loves chasing her laser light around the floor...which was part of her christmas this past year! And, she also likes to continue to pee & poop in our house, despite our best efforts to get her to go outside. We frequently follow with carpet cleaner and paper towels. yes, those have become staple items in this household. and before anyone starts judging, let me just say... she gets more treats when she goes potty outside...and she knows that she's supposed to go out there. however, she hates the rain, snow, ice, etc...pretty much everything but nice, sunny weather! but she's our girl, and mommy rarely punishes her... so that part is always left to daddy. 

and now to the real interesting stuff....our baby boy! 

I'm currently 23 weeks pregnant! ahhh yes, over half-way there...but still not close enough. Let me just say, i'm not one of those women who "glow" during pregnancy. Housing a human is exhausting! Up until last week, my feet looked like they belonged on a beluga whale, my face was fatter than usual, and my rings were fitting quite snug on my fingers. But, thank God for the prego chair at work. it's saved my feet from some very painful nights this past week! I can actually go home at night and still see my ankles and not have to soak them in epsom salt. 

As we all know, pregnancy comes with it's own "nightmares." morning sickness, swelling, and lack of sleep. I knew that i would lose sleep once the baby got here, I was prepared for that. What I wasn't prepared for was the sleepless nights that would occur before that August 24th due date. I'm a stomach sleeper. always have been. So with this tiny baby boy inside of me, sleeping on my stomach has become impossible these days. i've resorted to sleeping on my side. The left side. It seems that if I lay on my right my leg starts cramping and it's impossible to go to sleep. It also seems to be a continuing trend that once I finally do get comfortable on my side, I have to pee. So, all of that adjusting and tossing, and turning is a waste because i have to make the long trek to the bathroom. ugh! and then it's back to bed to start the whole process again. AND, forget sleep if Jesse and Rylee are both in the bed! Jesse seems to be taking up more than his half of the bed these days...and then there's Rylee who continues to take up the other half, snugged right between us. and if she's not right in the middle....she down by our feet, making it literally impossible to move without kicking her. (and yes, i know she's just a dog...but she's my puppy. and to me, she's not just a dog!) so I end up on my side of the bed....with just enough room to MAYBE turn over if needed. 

My morning sickness has seemed to calm down the past month or so. Those first 3-3 1/2 months were absolutely awful. I don't believe I could eat a meal without it coming back up 10 minutes later (sorry if that's too much information). These days I can keep pretty much everything down. I have a few times where I'll get sick, but nothing like before. That stomach flu a couple of days ago almost killed me. I was wishing for morning sickness again, because believe it or not, it was better than that stupid flu! Thank God it only lasted 24 hours! 

well that's about it for tonight. i'm tired. Ry's already passed out next to me and now it's my turn! 


*Easter 2011* 23 weeks