Your's Truly

I'm Ami & I'll be the one sharing our adventure with you. 
I'm a wife to my handsome hubby of (almost) 5 years! 
A mother to 2 precious little boys. 
A Daughter & Friend. 

I'm a SAHM and loving every minute of it. 
I enjoy stalking Pinterest and coming up with new home decor & crafting ideas. 
I also love to try out new recipes. 
I'm a little too obsessed with cooking meals in the crockpot. 

I have a small embroidery business in which I specialize in making custom baby items. 
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Rehabilitation Services. 
I worked full time until Gabriel Lee came along. 

I love to blog about our adventures. 
I see this blog as a "baby book" for my children. 
I want them to have their milestones and memories forever captured. 

I hope you enjoy our adventures as much as we do. 
Here you'll find everything from our journey through a premature birth to my husband's snake bite. 

I enjoy making new friends and would love to connect with you! 
