Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas, Birthday, Fitness & 2 1/2 Years Old!

Hey Friends! 

I realize that I haven't updated in quite some time. I could give you a million excuses but the truth of it is... I just don't find the time to sit down and blog. How sad is that? Life with 2 little boys is crazy... not to mention during this Holiday season! 

Speaking of my 2 little boys... big news now is that Lincoln is officially CRAWLING!! And when I say crawling... I mean he is crawling EVERYWHERE! He used to just stay in the living room. That is, until a few days ago when he discovered that there is life and room all throughout the house. Did I mention that everything goes into his mouth as well? I swear, there could be a tiny piece of paper 20 feet from him and he finds it! How do they do that? So, I've been CONSTANTLY vacuuming and cleaning to keep that little man safe. Oh & he's pulling up now too. Yeah, he thinks he's big stuff. I was prepared for this. I knew that he would catch on much faster since he has Gabriel to show him. But I wasn't prepared for him to go straight from crawling to standing. Tonight he even stood up and let go of the table and stood there for a few seconds on his own. MAN OH MAN! I've got a lot of work cut out for me. 

The past few weeks have been crazy busy for us. Jesse turned 24 on December 20th! We had his side of the family over on the 21st to celebrate and we also did Christmas with his Brother & Sister's families as well. It was fun and we had a house full of kids to entertain us as well. Gabriel Lee was also officially 2 1/2 years old on the 20th! Where does the time go? I know, I know... I say that all the time. But seriously? My tiny, precious baby boy is growing up on me. And I DO NOT LIKE it at all! Can we just pause time and let him be my baby boy for a while longer? Please!? 

I can't even begin to explain how excited I was for Christmas this year. I've been buying things here and there for a while now and I couldn't wait for Gabe to see all of his presents. Not to mention the fact that I LOVE decorating for Christmas. Heck, Christmas is my favorite Holiday in general. This year was the first time we've had a mantle to decorate and let me tell you... I was super pumped and super excited on how it turned out. See the pics below! 

Here's how our Christmas Holiday went: 

On Christmas Eve we headed up to Jesse's mom's to celebrate and have dinner with them. We picked up some Fried Chicken and his mom and stepdad made the sides. It was delish. Then we exchanged gifts and just hung out while the kids played. Gabe got the new Go GO Smart Wheels and he absolutely loved it. That boy sure does love his cars. Lincoln just had a great time crawling all around and getting attention, as always. 

That night, Jesse and I brought down all of the presents after the boys went to bed. We had a ball pit to blow up- sadly, it took both of us to get it done. That thing takes A LOT of air. haha. Santa brought the boys their very own "Santa" bags with their names on them. I bought these last year after Christmas at Walmart and couldn't wait to use them this year. We stuffed some of their smaller presents in them to make them look nice and full. Then we stuffed their stockings and relaxed on our NEW couch while watching "It's A Wonderful Life." Apparently watching this movie is a tradition for Jesse. I can't say that I've ever watched the movie in its entirety so I was excited to see it. Sadly, I fell asleep after the 2nd hour. I was exhausted... and I can never make it through a movie late at night...especially when I'm wrapped in a blanket on the couch. :) 

Christmas morning Gabriel woke Jesse and I up around 9:00. That sweet boy let us sleep in just a little bit. Lincoln wasn't even awake yet, so we had to get him up so we could all do Christmas together. Gabe was super excited... but not as excited as I thought he would be. We started with the stockings and Gabe LOVED it. He got a stuffed "Horton" from "Horton Hears a Who" (one of his faves) and like 5 trucks plus some candy. He LOVED the trucks and was perfectly satisfied with those. So satisfied that we had to MAKE him open the rest of his gifts. That boy made out with the jackpot! He got tons and tons of cars plus a stuffed "Sully" from "Monsters, Inc." (another fave). Lincoln of course didn't really know what was going on...but he did have a good time watching and playing with some new toys. My favorite toy that we got for both of them was an activity cube box made by B. Brand from Target. It was probably our most expensive purchase but the boys LOVE playing with it! I especially love this brand of toys and was super excited that we got it for them. 

That afternoon we headed over to my parent's house for lunch. As always, it was a blast. We did our annual Christmas Exchange (which is always fun and interesting), played some games, ate A LOT of good food, and that night we did gifts with my parents. Gabe got a barn set that had a "cow" and "goat" so he was set. That boy loves his animals. The boys also got several of their favorite movies... Monsters University, Despicable Me & UP! We've already watched them all several times. Even though we have all but Monsters U recorded on the tv. haha. 

The next day we headed over to my brothers house to do another round of Christmas. We had Fried FISH (which I LOVE)! The boys got some more gifts and we played some ping pong and had YUMMY Margaritas!

Overall, we had a fabulous Christmas. I hate that it's over. I love this Holiday Season. 

Well, this sickness bug has been going around like crazy. I thought that we had gotten lucky and it skipped us... but nope, it's come on full force. 2 days ago, Jesse woke up in the morning throwing up. I kept the boys away from him all day, praying that neither of them would catch it. That night, Gabriel started throwing up. I hate when my husband is sick (I lose my wing man) but I hate it even more when my babies are sick. It scared Gabriel and I could tell that he was miserable. He threw up again that night and then went straight to sleep without hesitation. He woke up yesterday morning feeling good and acting somewhat like his normal self. Jesse felt better too...just not 100%. I got my hopes up thinking that Lincoln and I got lucky. But NO! Tonight, my precious baby boy started throwing up as well. I hate it! He's miserable and not sleeping well at all tonight. My poor baby. I'm the only one that hasn't caught it yet, but I can tell that I'm not feeling well. I'm praying that it'll go away and I won't get the brunt of it. Jesse goes back to work tomorrow so I can not afford to be sick. 

So, New years = New Year Resolutions, right? I won't lie, I'm not going to set a goal for the new year because we all know that resolutions last about a week. But, I will tell you that I'm bound and determined to become healthier in 2014- just because I need to. I really took a break from working out over the past week because of Christmas and I can really tell that I feel worse. I feel bloated and don't have as much energy as I did when I was running at the gym. So, starting tomorrow is time to get back on track. I'm cutting out sweet drinks, AGAIN, and going back to strictly water. My membership is up so until I renew it again I will be doing my workout videos here at home. I'm also planning on doing the Advocare 24 day challenge sometime in the next month or so. It's kind of pricey, so I'm going to wait a bit. However, I figured I'd kick start this and start by eating healthier and drinking lots and lots of water. I HAVE to get healthier. I want to be a healthy wife and mother. I don't want to be that mom that sits on the bench because I'm too fat and tired to do anything. I want to be the mom that can run around with her kids and not run out of breath. I want to feel better about myself and not wear stretchy pants all the time. I just want to feel like my normal self again. And let's face it, I haven't felt like that in quite some time. I had gotten back down to my pre-pregnancy weight after Gabe- plus I lost about 10 extra pounds. Then came the pregnancy with Lincoln. Silly me, I thought- Oh, the weight will come off after this one too. Boy, was I WRONG! I only lost about 10 pounds the weeks after having Lincoln and since then I've lost between 5-10 pounds. I fluctuate a lot. I'll lose 10- gain 5- lose it again- gain it- lose about 10 more- gain some... .it's a never-ending cycle. And I'm SO SO SO ready to put an end to that cycle. 

We have a Florida trip in May and I would like to be able to put on a swimsuit and feel good about it. I'd like to wear my jean shorts and feel good about it. I'd like to be able to go shopping down there and actually buy clothes that I'm happy about buying. That's part of the motivation as well. I also want to go see Britney Spears in Vegas! I mean, who doesn't? But I told Jesse that I'm not going unless I can feel good about myself and get an outfit that I feel good in. Plus, we're going to save our money a little each month so it doesn't break us when/if we go. She's there for 2 years people... we got the time! :) 

So, there you have it. It's time to get healthy. And you, my readers and friends, you are going to be the ones to hold me accountable. I promise to do a monthly post on my progress as well. 

Hope you all had a WONDERFUL Christmas filled with many, many loving memories with family and friends. 

 Santa Claus is Comin' to town!

The boys' "Santa" bags

 Should have just gotten him a box... it's more fun! hah

Tired after a long day...snuggled with his new CARS blanket. 

My Mantle... LOVE it!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Just a little picture update

Hey Everyone! Now, I realize that I've been slacking on the picture posting... so here's a little picture update! You see, My laptop is still out of order so I'm using Jesse's laptop. And for some reason, my picture images don't show up when I go to choose which ones to upload... which makes it a pain!! I literally have to go through and view each photo, find the file number, go to the upload link, find the file number again, and then upload. I know, I know... bad excuse- but believe me when I say it takes longer than you'd think... especially with as many pictures as I have... haha. Anyway, enjoy these pics of our lives for the past month or so! :) 

He loves eating popcorn! 


Brothers! They're going to be Best Friends! 

This is how he wanted tucked in one night... 
Spot, Hippo, Pluto, Mickey, and 6 cars! 

We always have to take a "few" cars to take a bath with!

This was when Linc first started to sit!

This little man LOVES bathtime, too!

Told him to pick up his blocks and he did!
He's such a big boy!

Daddy spiking his hair for Thanksgiving! So adorable!

The boys on Thanksgiving in their shirts I made!
(it's getting harder & harder to take pics of Gabriel...he's always too busy!)

Lincoln is 7 Months!

This past Monday, December 2nd, Lincoln Alexander was 7 Months Old! Can you believe it? He's growing so fast. I know, I know- I say that all the time...but it IS true! I hate it. Here's what my little man is doing these days: 

  • Sitting up on his own
  • Trying to crawl... he army crawls and rocks back and forth on his hands and knees
  • LOVES watching his big brother play
  • Sleeping in his crib at night
  • Eating baby food. Favorites include Sweet potatoes, Applesauce, Pears, and Green beans
  • Still breastfeeding and supplementing with formula
  • Drinks out of a sippy cup occassionally
  • LOVES cheerios and the baby puffs AND Yogurt bites
  • Enjoys bouncing and singing
  • Likes to play with his pop up toy
  • Loves bath time and trying to climb out of his tub
  • Still wearing his helmet
  • Enjoyed his first snow by being bundled up in his stroller
  • Beginning to dislike his carseat... It's time to upgrade!
  • Likes to play with his brothers cars... when his brother lets him
  • Loves to laugh out loud
  • Thinks that Rylee is funny
  • Poops... a lot. 
  • Likes to play with his hands and clap
  • Likes to play with his toes, too!
  • Enjoys being read too... when he's sitting still! 
  • Loves to walk around in his walker
  • Enjoys bouncing in his exersaucer
  • Loves anything that makes noise
  • Wearing 6-9 month clothes!
  • Wearing size 2 diapers
  • Occasionally wears shoes... (When Mommy remembers them)
  • Fighting his 1st cold. :( 
  • Did I mention that he eats ALL THE TIME!?
  • Growing like crazy
Image Courtesy of You-nique Capture Photography. Please DO NOT copy!

Dear Lincoln, 

You are getting so big so fast! I wish you would stop! :) You're becoming quite the little man... Eating all of the time! You are almost as big as your big brother! :) You love bathtime and trying to climb out of the tub. Your favorite thing to do is pat-a-cake... you even do it by yourself sometimes. Your big brother is one of your favorite people... you try so hard to play with him, though sometimes he doesn't let you. But one day, you'll get bigger and make him let you! haha. You LOVE to roll around everywhere- especially with your helmet on. You've discovered that you can't get hurt with the helmet on so you just go anywhere and everywhere that you can. Recently, you started army crawling and I know that before long you will be crawling EVERYWHERE! These past few months you have been sleeping in your crib at night. It was a tough transition because Mommy let you stay in her room too long- but now, you're getting the hang of it. You have started to sleep in, which Mommy LOVES. However, sometimes your big brother will make too much noise in the mornings and wake you up. When we feed you food you like to try to grab the spoon... so the food usually ends up all over you too. You're favorite shows to watch with your brother are Mickey Mouse and Curious George! You get real excited when they are on and will actually sit and watch them. Sometimes, my child, you get a little mad and insist on being held. :) You've found your voice and love to sing and talk to yourself. You're growing so fast! This month we will be celebrating your very FIRST Christmas! I'm so excited- even though I know you won't remember it. And in just 5 short months you will be 1 year old! How did that happen! We love you sweet baby boy!


Mommy & Daddy