Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Motherhood Perfection. It's overrated.

Hi! I'm Ami. I have a great family, a few great friends that I can call family and an awesome husband and kids. My puppy is always properly groomed. My car is always clean and my house is always spotless... 


Well, if you saw my fb posts you might get this impression. Truth is... It took me a good 10 minutes to get that one good picture of both of my kids smiling... and even then, one of them isn't even looking at me. I had to spend another 5 minutes cleaning that area they are sitting/standing in to free it from cars, cheerios and other random toys. That picture of our puppy Rylee was taken 4 weeks ago after she got groomed...I've been saving it for a rainy day. And I only post the cute pictures of my husband and I- which are few and far between. Those selfies? well most likely they were taken when I actually had to get "Dressed" like on a date night. 

Truth is. I'm a Mom. Wife. Daughter. Sister. Friend. I have 2 boys that want and deserve my undivided attention 99% of the time. I rarely make it out of my house without looking like a bum who just came off the streets. My house is almost ALWAYS a disaster with cheerios, cars and random toys scattered throughout. I most likely have changed Lincoln's diaper 5 times in the past 20 minutes because he won't leave the stinkin' thing on (pun intended). There is a constant sound of cartoons playing in our house. And those kids... oh my, those kids... well they find every way possible to injure themselves. 

I realized recently that from the outside looking in our lives may seem perfect. When I hop on facebook and see all these posts of everyone's "perfect" lives I easily become mad or envious thinking "well, how in the world do they pull that off?" AHA! Then it comes to me... we live in a day and age where media is overtaking our lives. It's so easy to edit those pictures or just post a happy status so everyone will think life is perfect. 

There are days when I'd like to hop on facebook and post something like... "well, my kid took his diaper off in the middle of the night and peed in his bed, the husband got off late which means no play time for the boys and no rest for me, my house is a disaster and i don't even care at this point, and my kid won't sit on the dang potty to poop to save his life. 'i'm about to pull my hair out or lock myself in the bathroom...which is pointless since the boys will somehow find their way in." 

Instead, it's usually a happy post about how loving my kids are and how they're brightening my day. 

If we Momma's are being real... then let's be real about this. Yes, our kids are awesome and we can't imagine life without them. Everyone knows that. My kids are my world. But OH MY GOSH... there are days when I literally want to scream. There are those days at the store when I'm dragging them both out because they saw a toy they wanted and I said no and their screaming... and the only thing I want to do is spank their little behinds and put them in timeout. But I don't... because someone will see me and call DCFS on me when they should be wasting their time calling about the Mom that just called her daughter a little "B" and screamed at her the whole way out. I have those days where I literally feel like a single mom because my husband is off to work providing for us and he's tired and rarely gets to spend quality time with us unless it's on the weekend. And I don't complain because who am I to complain about my husband giving me this opportunity to stay at home. There are those days when we wake up late, throw on some clothes and make it just in time for Gabe to go to school. And there are those days when I literally weigh my options as to whether we can make it for 6 more hours without milk so I don't have to take the boys to the store and just wait until Jesse's home to watch them. Because we all know that going to the store alone is 100 times better than going with 2 kids. 

We've all been there. We've all sat in the parking lot at Wal-Mart wondering if we really need those 5 things because disturbing the sleeping kids in the back is a battle that you don't want to fight. All of us Momma's have begged our kids not to go to sleep for 5 more minutes just so we can make it inside the house. And we're all guilty of feeding our kids quick and easy meals because we just don't feel like cooking. :)Let's be honest...we've all been there. 

I'm not sure this post made much sense... but the point I'm trying to make is to not judge yourself so harshly Mom's! It's so easy to hop on Facebook and see all these wonderful posts and instantly compare yourself to others. It's easy to think that everyone else's life is perfect.... it's facebook- it's easy to edit and post what you want. Being a mom is a full-time job. It's hard. Really, really hard. And if anyone tells you different, they're lying. My life is far from perfect. But I do have a great family, great friends I can call family and an awesome husband and kids... I Really DO! I don't compare myself to anyone anymore... because quite honestly, those boys of mine... they are what make my world go round. 
