Wednesday, December 28, 2011

You make time for the important things in Life!

Hi friends! 

I hope you all had a great Christmas...we sure did! Gabriel was so intrigued by everything that he barely slept Christmas Day. I still don't think he's recovered fully from the lack of sleep. He's been sleeping a lot these past few days to try to catch up! :) He got soooo much stuff. I'll post pics soon...once I get everything organized and my house back to normal! It's still a disaster... I've been lazy these past few days!

So tomorrow, my goal is to finish the 3489237584895802934 loads of laundry I have and to take down our Christmas tree and decor. I was going to do it today, but poor Gabe wasn't feeling well... so I had a very, very fussy baby all day. 

Have I mentioned that our little guy is sleeping in his crib some now!? How exciting, right? Only problem is that he's such a wiggler... he'll end up turned completely around smashed against the side. Thank goodness I listened to the Dr. and took off the bumper pads! haha. He gets so mad when he hits the sides though. It wakes him up, he starts crying, and then it mommy to the rescue! :) Now, I know some may think that he should be sleeping in his crib every night now, but honestly, who makes up these rules? I don't like it at all. So, instead of just putting him in his crib every night from now on... I decided it's going to be a gradual process. I gotta be comfortable with this too!! Which leads me to my next point of topic... Please don't tell me how to raise my child and for goodness sake... don't judge people or even comment other people's ways of raising their children. Good gosh people! Here's a short list on what I think about how a child should be raised: 

  1. A child should always know that he is loved.
  2. A child should be raised by 2 parents and in church.  
  3. A child should learn respect and honor no matter how young. 
  4. A child should be spanked when he has done something wrong and praised when he has done something right. A child should NOT be praised or even condoned when he has done something wrong. Come on people, it's not rocket science... if he does something wrong there should be consequences or they will never learn! Duh! 
  5. A child should know the difference between right and wrong. 
  6. A child should come first and foremost in the parents' lives... no matter what. 
  7. A child should not be so spoiled to the fact that a fit occurs because he doesn't get his way. 
  8. On the other hand, I do believe a child should have everything he wants while still learning and knowing the value of a dollar. 
  9. A child should respect their elders!
  10. And... a child should grow up with a family that loves him no matter what and makes the time to see him, play with him, listen to him, and laugh with matter what they have going on and no matter what they think is more important! You MAKE timePublish Post for what's important people! Don't complain when life goes by too fast...people aren't going to make the time for you...that, my friends, is up to you! 

Well, the Holiday season is over...and it's back to getting even more serious about this diet!! My goal: 40 pounds by the end of May! You see, we have a family vaca with my family to Florida sometime before June and my Best Friend is getting married in June. So, of course, I have got to get back in shape for all of this. Especially the beach! :) I'm so excited that we get to take Gabe to Florida and to the beach! He's going to L-O-V-E it!! Especially the water... can you imagine? He loves his bathtime so much...the ocean is going to be so awesome for him! We can't wait to take him... and since this will probably be our only family vaca this year... we're going to make the best of it. Plus, Jesse's Granny & Papa live very close to where we are going... so we get to go see them for a few days as well! Best trip ever!? I think so. Now, keep your fingers crossed that Jesse will have enough days off for us to stay the whole week! :) 

Alright, that's all for tonight. I'll post pics of our Christmas soon. But for now, it's time for me to go to bed and get some sleep! 

Night all! 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Watch out...I'm on a rampage!

Hey ya'll!

So, let me give you a recap of my day. It started out good. I went to my moms to finish up a project I'm doing for Christmas and then Gabe and I went to the candlelight Christmas service at church. We came home with some Little Caesars for Jesse...and then Gabe got a bath and it was bedtime. I layed down with my little guy and ended up falling asleep too. I woke up about 30 minutes later, turned off all the lights in the house, locked the doors, and decided it was a nice night to go to bed early...the house cleaning could wait until tomorrow. Sounds good, right?

This is where my day goes bad. I was laying in bed scrolling through an app on my phone that shows jobs that are posted in this area. and GUESS WHAT job was recently posted? Yes, that's right...the case worker position I applied for before Thanksgiving. You know, the job I'm very much qualified for and that I really wanted. AHA! After seeing this... I was very, very upset. See, I called and emailed the lady that interviewed me at Extra Help for the position like she told me too...and she NEVER returned any of my calls or messages. Needless to say, I've been aggravated about this for awhile now...but then when I saw the job posted again...I'm even more mad.

Now, most of you know...that when I'm mad, it's never a good thing. So, my first instinct was to write a hate email to the lady that interviewed me for not returning any of my messages. However, I decided to cool down a bit before writing it. Lucky her, her business card is in my wallet, which I left in the car. So, the email will have to wait to be sent in the morning. I decided my next course of action was to email the company that the job is for... the Salvation Army. I looked up the hiring contact info and sent them an email explaining that I am very interested in the position... I also attached my cover letter, resume, and professional references. So, any decent person would at least look at all of that, right?  My next step you may wonder? Take a Wild Guess! Ahhh, yes, I'm emailing the President & CEO of Extra Help. Why? Because this is ridiculous. And if her employees can't find the decency to return messages or even let someone know where they stand in the job decision....or if they EVEN sent my resume to the ocmpany...well, that's just plain rude and unneccessary. SO yes, I'm emailing her in the morning. My plan is to call the office when I wake up and get her email and then sent her an explanation of my situation and ask that something be done for it.

I know, I may be extreme. But, I really wanted this job and I really believe that I am qualified for it and may have a shot at getting it, if I had only had the chance. So watch out Extra Help...Ami's Mad! :)

alright, enough griping for one night. Jesse is already going to come out of work to find a text of me being venting my anger towards this company...poor guy. haha. Now it's time for sleep!
Goodnight Friends! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Birthday Day!

As you all know, today was Jesse's 22nd Birthday! Since he had to work last night, I decided to make him breakfast this morning. I got up before he got home from work and made biscuits and gravy and scrambled eggs! Delicious! 

Later this afternoon, I worked on some projects for Christmas gifts! I can't wait to show you all how they're turning out! It's going to be awesome...but after Christmas is when I'll be able to post some pics! :) 

Tonight, Gabe and I baked a cake for Daddy. Here's my little man showing off our hard work...

Now today is also the day that Gabe turns 6 months! Here's what our favorite little guy is doing these days...

  • He is rolling over all the time now! 
  • Sleeping about 7-8 hours at night
  • Still sleeping with mommy... going to start sleeping in his crib soon! 
  • Loves to laugh... cutest thing ever!
  • He knows who his mommy and daddy are! :)
  • Taking 6 ounces at each feeding.
  • Absolutely hates his carseat! 
  • Still loves bathtime! 
  • Prefers to be held than being put down...all the time! 
  • Giggles when he sees himself in the mirror! 
  • Weighs 12 pounds! yay!
Can't believe my baby boy is already 6 months old! Time sure does fly! He's getting so big! 

Alright friends, Rylee just got a bath, dishes are done, kitchen is clean, laundry is going, and my baby boy is sound asleep. Now, it's time for this momma to go pass out too! Have a good one! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Birthday, Daddy & Gabriel!

Just wanted to say a BIG Happy BIRTHDAY to my hubby, Jesse! He is 22 years old today...and working :( boooo!!! But what he doesn't know is that Gabe and I are going to cook him breakfast for when he gets home from work...and we're baking a cake tmw. shhhhhhh.... it's a surprise! :) 

Also, it is Gabriel's 6 month birthday! Can you believe it!? My little boy is growing up way too fast. He's getting so big! Seems like yesterday we were waiting in the hospital for him to come. Can't believe how fast time flies. 

I'm going to post more later after the day is done. I promise to have pictures from our BIG day! :) 

Have a great night all! 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Top 10 in 2011

"My Daddy says that if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all...but my daddy's not here and you're a weenie!" 

---Michelle Tanner from Full House

hahahha. Thought i'd start this post off with some humor! :) How many of us have heard this growing up... if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all!? I know I sure have!! and how many of us have had to bite our tongue a few times...because we just wanted to scream and yell!? Yes, I've been there before too! :) I'm sure we all have at one point or another! 

Anyway, Christmas is NEXT week! Can you believe it!? I am soooo unprepared this year. But... I figured I'd do my Top 10 in 2011. I got this idea from a christmas card my sister in law received...and I think it's a good idea. So friends, Here's 

The Schiff's Top 10 in 2011!! 

10. Gabe dressed up as a pumpkin for his 1st Halloween. 

9. We went on our First Vacation to Orlando, FL... going to Sea World and Disney! 

8. We enjoyed our first Marine Corps Ball as a married couple.

7. Rylee celebrated her 1 year Birthday!! 

6. Jesse got a job at the mines!

5. We finally got to come home from Cardinal Glennon on August 20, 2011!

4. We got the most AMAZING health insurance...EVER! 

3. We went to the casino for our honeymoon...and WON!  

2. We got Married on January 22, 2011!

1. We Welcome Gabriel Lee Schiff into the world on June 20, 2011!

and now... here's some of our top 10! 


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Yes, that was me falling today...

Why yes, that was me falling off the sidewalk today and twisting my ankle. So graceful! Let me put it into perspective for you... Mom was dropping me off at my car on our way back from Marion today. I was walking to my car, went to step up onto the sidewalk, and slipped and fell... oh and twisting my ankle on the way down. I'm really not that my defense, it was raining and kinda slippery! :) Anywho, my foot has been hurting me all night long. I took some medicine and it's starting to feel better. I think I just need to stretch it out. But shoooot, it hurts! 

About that interview today... I cancelled and didn't go. After a lot of thinking and praying, and talking to mom and Jesse, I decided that it's not worth it. I know, crazy me! But seriously, I haven't worked a job that pays minimum wage in at least 3 years. I just don't think it's worth it... So I'm still applying, and I have another interview for another job later this week! Just when I thought things couldn't get any better... 

One of my favorite things about Christmas time is the Hallmark channel and their movies. I absolutely LOVE them! Sitting on the couch, snuggled up with a blanket and a hot cup of cocoa, watching the Hallmark channel is one of my favorite things to do this time of year. If you haven't watched any Hallmark movies, I highly suggest you do... their soooo good. Just ask my old roommates... when we lived in our apartment, you could always find me on the couch watching the hallmark channel. That was my escape from that AWFUL first semester of Grad school! haha. 

Well, this is my last week of work until the new year. I'm ready for a break. This means, all day long to spend with my baby boy...oh and to finish Christmas shopping! Does anyone else feel like the days are flying by? Seriously! Christmas is less than 2 weeks away and I have absolutely, totally, NO shopping done yet! Can you believe it!? My favorite time of year and I'm soooo behind. I hope by this time next year, we have a big, new house that I can decorate! :) 

Alright my dear friends, that's it for now. It's time to clean, clean, clean...and apply, apply, apply for more jobs! I figure that if I apply for EVERYTHING something is bound to work out, right!? 

Goodnight all! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Doctors and hormones and birthdays, OH MY!

Well, I went to the doctor today. Waited in the room for an hour...only to have them tell me they weren't going to do it. But for good reason! Luckily, my doctor, who is a med student at SIU, and another doctor decided that it would be best to just cut the nail down, put some cotton between my toe and nail, and apply some ointment to it. I must say, I was happier with this idea. Anything that prevents having to have my toenail actually cut out is fine with me! But now, my pinky toe on the other foot is messed up. SERIOUSLY!? Is this ever going to end. And, I'm not complaining, ok maybe I am, but all of this stuff started happening while I was pregnant. I mean, I understand that pregnancy causes changes...but come on. Let me put this in perspective...The doc's said that they think my toe started to take a turn for the worst while I was pregnant...since I was SOOOOO swollen throughout my pregnancy, they're convinced that all that swollen-ness had something to do with my toenail heading down a bad road! hah. AND... I used to have PERFECT skin...ok, maybe not perfect...but it was pretty close. And now, it's not even close to being what it was. And when did this happen? Ahhhh yes, while I was pregnant. Stupid hormones! haha. 

Anyways....New Subject! I got an interview tomorrow! I was excited about this position when I first applied for it...because it's right up my ally. Ok, not really, but for now, let's just say it is. It's a customer service job for the Hyatt... basically, it's working in a call center. When I applied I was under the impression that it was at least $10.00 an hour. Imagine my surprise when the lady calls me and tells me it's only minimum wage...$8.25. HAH! Are you kidding me? I realize minimum wage isn't bad BUT... I have a bachelor's degree, a lot of experience, and my past 3 jobs haven't paid any less than $9.50. Come on! 

I must say, the option of going back to school is looking better and better. As most of you know, I was supposed to start online classes back in August. However, I withdrew from them all because the week the classes started was the exact week I was admitted to the hospital before having Gabe. But now, school is looking better. I would still like to go back and get my Master's in Behavior Analysis and Therapy. And, since I've already done one semester at SIU, it only makes sense to finish it out there. I don't know... we'll see. I haven't decided anything yet... but if I do want to go back, I guess I'll have to suck it up and get over my dislike for that university. Oh, and I guess I'll have to learn to like the professors again know, the ones that rudely refused to give me those 5 extra points in their class to get a B! I'm still not quite over that to say the least! But, I probably should have stuck it out... I would have been graduated by now and working a job that starts out at LEAST $60,000 a year. Yep, that's looking better and better! 

You know how a few months ago I said I wanted to start making bows and selling them. Well, good things come to those who wait my friends! Last night, I had an old friend contact me and ask me if I'd like to essentially join her business. She has a business selling hand-made crocheted hats and such and is looking for someone to help her expand. So, obviously, it kind of be like I'm on my own...but working with her, promoting each other's products. I'm not going to lie about this folks, I'm kind of excited about this. It's going to take some time to get this up and running...but hopefully, this will turn out to be a good thing. I'm so excited.... that I want to start making more bows right now!!

Alright, before I go... I have to tell you about Gabe! My precious little man slept from about 11:30 last night until 9:30 this morning. I actually had to wake him up to get ready! That's NEVER happened before. I love my little guy. He's getting so big! He'll be 6 months in 8 days... and Daddy will be 22 then too...can you believe it!? Time sure does fly! And, I know it's reallllyyyy early to do this, but I've already started to think of a few plans for his bday party! So far, we know for sure it's going to be a pool party at mom and dad's. Gabe loves the water, so it's perfect! We want to make his first birthday EXTRA special...he deserves it. The little guy had a rough start, and we just feel like one year really just makes the statement that even though things are rough in the beginning...they turn out beautifully. So, it may be a little crazy of me to already think about his bday plans... but I don't care. I'm going to make it the best, perfect, extra special birthday for my favorite little guy! 

Have a good night friends! :) 

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Well friends, it's official. I'm pretty positive that Gabriel is in the teething stage. It's not too bad yet... but he's constantly chewing on something... his hands, blanket, toys, etc... So, I'm trying to prepare myself as much as possible! haha. 

Now, tomorrow I'm having a procedure done on my toe. It seems I have an ingrown toenail that needs to be cut out. I know, that may seem gross to some people... but let me tell you I am RELIEVED to finally be able to have this done! It's been hurting me off and on since Gabe had his hernia surgery. However, I tried to self-medicate it myself but unfortunately, nothing worked! So, tomorrow... to the doctor I go! :) 

I'm happy to say that I think I'm getting over this being sick stuff. Besides still having a cough, I'm feeling much better! And luckily, Mom and Dad watched Gabe for a few hours today and I was able to get caught up on some much needed house-cleaning and laundry! Yes, I am happy to report that I only have about 3 loads of laundry left and it will all be done... until the end of this week when there will be more loads waiting to be washed! 

So, apparently there's a BIG sign on me that says... "Please don't hire me, I have tons of experience and a Bachelor's degree, but no, hiring me would not be a good idea." SERIOUSLY! It's no secret that I've been looking for a full-time job... but after applying for many positions, nothing has come through! I mean, seriously people! I have experience and a degree... what's the hold-up!? hahah. I'm still believing that something will come through at the right time... 

Now, you may be wondering...why did I quit my full-time job at Verizon when I want to work full time now? Well, honestly, at that time, resigning from Verizon was the right thing to do. And don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE staying at home with Gabe. But some extra money would definitely help us out and I'm looking for a job that will be full time...hopefully working days with weekends off. So, I'll still have TONS of time with my precious little boy! 

Here's my little man trying to eat his hands! 

Alright, that's all for now friends! Have a good Monday! :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Santa, Baby!

Hello Friends! 

I have some spare time for once... so I wanted to give you all a little update and some christmas pics! :) 

Well, I've been sick for the past couple of days. I kept telling myself I wasn't sick, but it finally caught up with me last night. So, I took some Nyquil and thankfully, I feel a little better today. I was scared that Gabe was getting sick as well...he sounded a little stuffy last night. But, I gave him some tylenol and cleaned out his little nose, and thankfully, He's doing just fine today! 

And now...he's taking a nap in his crib! Can you believe it!? This is only the second time he's slept in his crib.... and the first time only lasted about 10 minutes! We've been wanting to transition him to he crib for awhile now...but I keep finding reasons on why we shouldn't. 

1. He's still a baby boy... and I don't want him to be too far away. 
2. Since he was so little and early, I still worry about his breathing while he sleeps... I sleep better when he's next to me! 
3. He sleeps best when he is laying on his belly... so until we get him out of that stage, he needs to be in bed with me! :) 

Now, I know... you're not supposed to let your baby sleep in bed with you! But come on folks, we've all done it at one point or another...and honestly, if he's sleeping and I get sleep, there's nothing wrong with it! But let me just say... his bobby goes around him when he's sleeping so there's no way that he can roll over all over the place! :) 

When did pictures with Santa become so expensive? I mean, honestly, it's ridiculous!! Anyway, speaking of Santa... Mom and I took some pictures of Gabe a few weeks ago for Christmas. Here's a view of all the pictures we got... We took over 100. haha. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Selfishness and Giving this Holiday Season

I'm taking a slightly different turn in my blog post tonight folks. I want to talk about something that we all know about... but we don't always talk about. And that would be, Selfishness. 

Selfishness. states:

1. devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarilywith one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardlessof others.
characterized by or manifesting concern or care only foroneself: selfish motives.

Regardless of what any of us think...we've all been guilty of being selfish more than once. But lately, I've been blown away at the selfishness of some people. Now, I won't go into detail, but seriously folks!? Come on. I'm getting tired of hearing excuses and explanations and everything else. What's so wrong with the truth? A simple yes or no. I will or I won't. I care or I don't care. I want to or I don't want to. I can or I can't. I'll try or I won't try. It's that simple. Don't beat around the bush. Just say it like it is. Don't be selfish and make others feel bad because of it. I'm so sick of hearing excuses and explanations it's ridiculous. I'm just plain sick of the selfishness. What about selflessness? What about putting others before yourself? What about friends, families, or even strangers? 

All I'm saying is that it's the holiday season. Not exactly the time to be selfish. So, to lighten this post up a little... let's think about this. Since it IS the holiday season... drop a dollar or two in those salvation army cans outside the know, the ones that volunteers graciously stand outside in the cold weather, ringing that bell, only to have MOST of us ignore them. Those people are standing out there for a organization the believe in. Have a little mercy people. Have a little grace. It's the time of giving. Don't be a selfish person this holiday season. 

And...DON'T use the excuse that you're buying for family and you can't spare a dollar. That's the most selfish excuse ever! Charities like the salvation army collect donations to help make other's lives better. Wouldn't you want that if you were in that situation? 

So, be a little less selfish friends. Be selfless...  be giving... be loving. Have a heart this holiday season...think about everything you have and everything that some people don't have. And if it's not donating to those little red cans outside the for an Angel tree child, donate to Toy's for Tots, or send a shoebox to a third world country. Do SOMETHING! Giving is much better than receiving! And remember, you will be Blessed! 

Now, on a slightly different note... I just have one thing to say. 

Bite your tongues, Mr., Bite your tongue. 

Now, Get up and go give! It's the holiday's... the season of Giving! :)