Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy Parents of Preemies Day!

Well, today, March 23, is Parents of Preemies Day! I'm happy to join in this celebration! 

Just over 9 months ago, we welcomed Gabriel Lee into this world... into our lives. We couldn't have been more blessed with a more handsome, healthy, baby boy. It's amazing how far he's come. I encourage you all to recognize this day with me...because like us, there are many families that have a preemie baby in their lives and have been just as blessed as us. If you want to know more, just go visit the official website -->

So today, I'm going to celebrate that I have a beautiful baby boy that I get to wake up to everyday (though, sometimes a bit early! ;)) and I'm going to take a few moments to enjoy just how blessed he has made my life. 

Happy Parents of Preemies Day!! 


  1. Congratulations. I too have a preemie baby girl.. she is now 5 months old and we are still uncertain of things that gonna cross her life... She does have some medical challenges and I just wish she could do fine in all her developmental milestones... Keep her in ur prayers...

  2. You and your family will definitely be in my prayers. I wish you all the very best. Congratulations on your baby girl... I know how tough things are and how many days can seem uncertain. We never know what kind of challenges may come along. The hardest thing for me was to realize that the developmental milestones that come so easy for full-term children are ones that may come a bit harder or even later for Gabe. Just trust in God and everything will be ok. I will pray and continue to pray for your family and daughter everyday. Please feel free to email me anytime ( if you ever need anyone to talk to. I found it very helpful and to be a blessing when I had someone to talk and confide in that was going through the same thing. God bless! :)


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