Monday, January 25, 2016

When Momma Loses her Cool...

You all know what I'm talking about... don't deny it. You know, that moment when you as a MOM lose your cool...

For me, the happy mom turns into the angry, sleep deprived mom that just wants her child to go to sleep. Usually, this happens about 5 hours AFTER i've put the ninjas to bed. And typically, actually 99.9% of the time it is Lincoln who refuses to sleep.

It never fails, almost every night I will put him down between 8:30 & 9:30. We say our goodnights, give kisses and I shut the lights off. I say "I love you" and head out the door. Fast forward to about 10 minutes later... Lincoln's up. He usually starts by playing with toys in his room, turning on the lights or opening the door. If i'm not upstairs- then it's the little footsteps coming down the stairs and his little head peaking around the corner.

Back to bed we go. Again. and Again. And Again.... AND YES, AGAIN! Seriously, i keep my cool for a few hours as this routine just keeps on going. Finally, around midnight or 1 A.M. when i'm really tired and ready to go to sleep and just sick and tired of putting that kid back in his bed... I LOSE it. I threaten no tablet, no playing in the morning... anything I can think of. It doesn't phase him. NOw that Jesse is back to work,I threaten to wake daddy up. NO response. HE doesn't care. He just does not want to go back to bed.

SO then, Momma really loses it. YOu either go to bed or go sit outside. By yourself. He laughs and says NOOOO!Of course, it doesn't phase him because he knows there is absolutely no way that I would actually stick his cute little behind outside. But the threat of it should have some effect, right?

Tonight folks, well tonight I had enough. This kid just WILL NOT sleep. EVER. seriously, i don't know if he ever does sleep. honestly. Sometimes I fall asleep on the couch before he goes to sleep because i'm so tired from trying to stay up until he's passed out. and then he's up at the crack of dawn. I'm not kidding.. the CRACK OF DAWN that kid is in my room saying "Hi Momma" in his sweet little voice. WHEN DOES HE SLEEP? WHY WON'T he sleep?

I've tried everything. EVERYTHING! i'm not even kidding. Regardless, I've got to find a better way of getting this kid to realize that sleep is good... it's GOOD. it's necessary for momma. it's necessary for the happiness of this home. haha. but seriously. I'm trying to be a more present and happier momma because these are the days I will not get back. But shoot, this kid makes it hard for momma to be happy when it's 1 AM and he's still awake....

Can you relate? I know you can.

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