Saturday, August 13, 2011

I Have Been There

Several weeks ago I posted a few videos that we could relate to with Gabe being premature and still in the hospital. Those songs were "I Saw God Today" by George Strait and "Wires" by Athlete. Jesse and I listened to the song "Wires" about 20 times a day for awhile. We just related to it so well. The entire lyrics of "I Saw God Today" just reminded me of our journey thus far. 

Today, I was sitting in the parent room here in the NICU at Cardinal Glennon. I was eating my delicious meal in there since food is not allowed in the rooms. Sitting there, I overheard a couple talking, each to different people on their phones. They were talking about how their son was just flown here last night and how he already had to have a chest tube put in. Not knowing how long they were going to be here, how they were going to manage home life and hospital life, how they were going to afford the gas to drive back and forth, and how they were going make it. I also heard them say how the might get to hold their new baby boy tomorrow, but the doctor's still weren't sure and couldn't give them a definite "yes" or "no" on that situation. They were also going on and on about how much they love Cardinal Glennon so far. A part of me wanted to turn around and reassure them that everything would work itself out. I wanted to reach out to her and explain that I too have been there and that I know what it's like to wonder when you will be able to hold your child. When you'll be able to feed him his first bottle, change his first diaper, and give him his first kisses. God knows it's hard. But I also wanted to give her a boost of confidence in knowing that it will get easier with time and that life does go on. That everything does happen for a reason and there is a reason and life lesson in all of this. And that all of these hard times just make the little moments, the things that some may not even notice, that much better. I wanted to explain to her that you'll never forget those many "firsts" that they're bound to experience soon. 

As I was finishing my meal, I realized that both were still on their phones. I decided to wait a few more minutes to see if maybe they would hang up so I would have the chance to say something. Unfortunately, they didn't, and I had to get back to Gabe because I left him while he was fussy and I was worried he'd be crying. I left the room. Upset that I didn't reach out to her and wondering how I can do more to help the families here. 

With that in mind, I have a few ideas on how I can do my part to help families here in the hospital. Jesse and I have been so blessed with great family and friends, that we almost take it for granted. I look down these hallways and realize that some parents are here on their own, with no one to help. If they're anything like me, I know that it would be the small things that would help make the situation just a little bit easier. So, for the next few days, my goal is to figure out some way to make a contribution to helping other families get through their journey, like so many have done to help us. 

I want to leave you all with a song that I love and think is very appropriate for the situation. It's called "I Have Been There" by Mark Schultz

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! One of my favorite Mark Schultz songs! God allow us to go through troubles so we can share with others His power and His grace!
    Love you,


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