Saturday, April 14, 2012

24 years old.... oh my!

In exactly 1 hour and 10 minutes, on April 15th, I will be 24 years old! Shoot, am I really that old already? It seems like just yesterday I was so excited about turning 21! A lot can certainly change in just one year. I was thinking about that today... so here's what I've been up to during my 23rd year of being on this earth. 

  • April 2011: Pregnant and very, very sick
  • May 2011: Still pregnant and sick... bedrest
  • June 2011: Pregnant, bed rest, 2 week hospital stay, and the arrival of Gabriel Lee. 
  • July 2011: Gabe still in the hospital.
  • August 2011: We finally come home with our little man! 
  • September 2011- present: Enjoying being a mother to my beautiful baby boy and a wife to my fabulous husband! 
This year, by far, has been one of the most exciting and blessed years of my life. I was blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby boy... and now, I couldn't imagine life without him! This past year has been filled with so many memories and lessons that I will never forget. :) 

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