Do I think that what people said about thinking they can raise my child better than I, yet don't have any kids is wrong? Yes, I do.
Do I think that what people said about me being adopted and not belonging in the U.S. is wrong? Yes, very much so.
Do I think that people talking badly about my marriage is terrible? Most certainly.
Do I think that it is wrong for anyone to call me a bad mother? Without a doubt.
Do I think that it's wrong that someone can say something to my face and then turn around and say the complete opposite to someone? Yes.
Do I find it annoying that some people in this world are "Pleasers" and can't tell anyone the honest truth about anything? Yes, very much so.
However, even though I find all of these things wrong... I'm vowing, tonight, to let it all go and to try to find forgiveness for all of the people I feel have wronged me and treated me badly. I've been told many times that I need to just forgive and forget, and if you've read any of my previous posts, you know that forgetting is always the hardest part. But, I've read a lot about forgiving lately and have realized that it's only wasting my time by being angry about all of these things. So, starting tonight, I'm going to quit being angry about it and just let it go. The Bible says:
"Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord."
Romans 12:19
So, even though I feel wronged and I don't feel like "revenge" has been taken on anyone, I'm trusting in God and leaving it in his hands. I know that in His time things will be handled.
Yes, tonight I'm letting it all go and trusting that God will repay. Instead of being angry at people, I'm going to celebrate that I have a beautiful, healthy baby boy that loves his Momma more than anything. I'm going to love the fact that I get to wake up to his smiling face everyday knowing that I am the BEST mother to him and the Best wife to Jesse... despite what anyone might say. I'm going to be comfortable in who I am as a person, a wife, and a mother and I'm never going to let anyone take that away from me! :)
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