Wednesday, February 8, 2012

And the house tour begins... Day 1: Kitchen

And the House Tour Begins!! 

Before we get started... I just have one announcement... 
It was official today! 
I am now, once again, officially a Graduate Student 
at SIU in the
Behavior Analysis & Therapy Program! 
I start classes in the Fall! 
I'm sooooo excited! :) 

Anyway, let's get to this house tour!
Today, we start with the Kitchen. 
As I said yesterday, the kitchen is the one room in my house that must ALWAYS, ALWAYS, be clean. 
Maybe I get it from my mom!? :) 
But I believe that a clean kitchen is a happy kitchen! 
And a Happy Kitchen makes for a happy wife and mommy! :) 

Here's our kitchen coming in from the laundry room! 
I love the ideas of pictures in the kitchen too... 
Makes it feel more warm and cozy! 
Plus, I do have a slight obsession with pictures... 
as you will notice during the rest of the house tour! :) 

Our counter...complete with Gabe's bottle necessities. 

Our stove! 
There's just not enough room to store everything! haha. 
Believe it or not, I have tried to downsize! 

Kitchen table! 
I just love our little decorations on the table! 
Please excuse the messy tablecloth... 
With a little baby and a puppy...
it's almost inevitable that it will get some stains on it throughout the day! 

Love these pics! 
OH & Gabe's highchair too! 

Eiffel Tower! 
Yes, I have a slight obsession with the Eiffel Tower... 
It will be quite evident in the rest of the home! :) 

Our fridge...complete with pics of Gabe! :) 

Well, that's our Kitchen Folks! 
Day 2 of the House tour will be our Living Room! :) 

Of course I had to include a picture of my 
favorite little man! :) 

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