Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dr. Seuss....

Hello Everyone!!
Hope you all had a great Superbowl Weekend! :)
Here's what we've been up to the past few days...

  •  We're pretty positive Gabe has starting teething again..
  • I got "re-admitted" into the BAT program at SIU-C
  • I start classes in the fall...
  • Now, I'm working on getting an assistantship again! :)
  • Jesse is working midnights again...
  • I think i"m finally getting used to it
  • Gabe is sleeping in his crib all night...
  • Well at least until about 6:00 a.m.
  • Then he comes into bed with mommy...
  • Rylee finally got a bath...
  • And a haircut..
  • She looks MUCH, MUCH better! :)
  • We had a great, relaxing weekend together!
  • Nothing we'd rather have done than sit at home and spend some quality family time together..
  • I played with my niece Emeri... We were hiding from the "Storm" in Mama's closet...
  • Gabe even joined in on the fun...
  • I think he may have been a little confused... haha.
  • Emeri also painted my nails...
  • OK, maybe it was my nails and fingers...
  • That's ok though...they still turned out great!
  • She's so cute! :)
  • Somebody said this week that some people just like to be mad...
  • By the way, I'm not mad...I just don't care anymore.  
  • Ever read that book "He's just not that into You"
  • I think someone needs to write a book called "She just doesn't like you" :)
  • Anyways.....
  • We enjoyed Eddie James ministry at church on Sunday...
  • We're also planning Gabe's dedication at church! :)
  • I decided on Gabe's theme for his birthday!
  • It's going to be Dr. Seuss... centered around the Dr. Seuss Happy Birthday book..
  • It's going to be so, so cute.
  • Yes, I realize we still have a few months until then...
  • But that ok, I like to plan early..
  • We worked out our budget for the next few months...
  • With a little hard work we will be debt free within 6 months!
  • We're looking forward to it... :))
  • And that's all she wrote... Have a good one friends!
P.S. please keep a family that I know in your prayers. The mother just passed away this morning and she has a young girl that is around 9 or 10. I can't imagine what they are going through righ now!

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