Tuesday, February 7, 2012

House Tour

So, several of the blogs that I follow have recently done a post on their house... Blog House Tours I guess you could say. So, I'm jumping on board and have decided to do this too. In an effort to motivate me to get my house as clean as I would like, I decided to start our "TOUR" tomorrow. I think I'll even add in some of my favorite things to clean with...such as Magic Erasers and Mr. Clean Anti-bacterial spray! :)) Anyways, We shall start with the kitchen.

I feel like there is just not enough time in the day to get everything done around the house. Between playing with Gabe and working part-time...my house seems to get the worst of it. I clean every night after my little man goes to sleep and I clean when I can during the day when he naps. It is just NEVER-ENDING I tell you. There is always laundry to be done, dishes to be washed, and floors to be swept. WHOA! I'd really like to get a housekeeper...but so far, Jesse hasn't gone for it! haha. However, my kitchen must be clean every night. It's the one room that I am very, very particular about... I just can't stand a dirty kitchen. It makes me feel a bit uneasy when there are dishes in the sink and plates, cups, and utensils still laying out. I must say, I clean that kitchen up everynight and then spray my countertops down with some Mr. Clean to get them Extra-clean! Maybe it's a bit obsessive, but what can I say? I like a clean kitchen! haha.

So get ready, tomorrow starts a whole new phase on The Schiff's blog. Like I said, we shall start with the kitchen! :)

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