Monday, February 27, 2012

Give an Inch... Take a Mile

Give someone an inch...they will try to take a mile. 

Isn't this the truth? Now, don't get me wrong. I am all for giving, being nice, and trying to do the right thing. But have you ever noticed how when you offer someone something...they try to milk it for all it's worth? I've noticed this several times... and again, don't get me wrong, I don't mind....but sometimes it's aggravating when a person expects you to do something nice for them but yet they show you no gratitude for it. I know, I know... we shouldn't expect anything from people. But come on, when someone goes out of their way to do the "right"'s only right to show a little gratitude and respect for that person rather than taking what was offered and running with it as fast as you can! Ok, that's my thought for today! :) 

Anyway, this weekend we watched the movie "Tower Heist." I would definitely recommend this movie if you're looking for a good laugh! Jesse and I found ourselves laughing quite a bit during this movie! :) 

I also bought new glasses yesterday. I haven't had a new pair since Highschool! Needless to say, the prescription in my current glasses are about 5 prescriptions behind. I'm pretty positive that it would be illegal for me to wear them while driving! My eyesight continually gets worse at every appointment....yes it's sad, but so true! :(  Anyway, I was really wanting a new pair so I could wear them on days when I don't feel like wearing contacts! All of you contact lens you ever feel like sometimes your eyes just need a break? lol. I sure do. Sometimes I just feel like throwing some glasses on instead of putting my contacts in. And on those awful days when I scratch my eye while trying to put my contacts in... I'm wishing that I would have a good pair of glasses! haha. I know, it's crazy to be excited about a new pair of glasses, right!? Despite the fact that I experienced a little buyer's remorse after purchasing them... I am super excited! I even got 2 pairs for the price of one! Thank you Dr. Valu Vision! :) Jesse helped me pick them out. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm crazy because I took about an hour to pick out the frames that I wanted. I tried on sooo many that finally he was just saying... "Yes, I like those," "Yes, those look good" and "I like those better than the last two!" hahah. But I finally made my decision and Jesse even liked them as well! However, I don't think I'll ever be able to drag him into a vision center again! :) 

Well, as I said in my previous post I have started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred workout! She is kicking my behind every night! But you know what!? I like that she's a tough trainer... it means that I'm getting a good workout! I'm still on level 1... but I am determined to get to level 2 by the end of this week! I'm also going to start running at the gym this week! I'm getting a membership and my goal is to walk/run at least 2 miles 3 days a week! best friend and I are going to try out the "Insanity" workout. We hear it's really hard, but we decided that we'd give it a shot!  I am sooooo determined to get into a bikini by the time we go to Florida at the end of April! :) 

Oh & before I go... Jesse and I have an AMAZING vacation planned for next year. I'm not going to tell where yet...but I will leave a little clue every now and then so you all can guess! We are going to save our money this year and hopefully go around Spring Break time next year. (I'll be in school Spring Break will be the only time we can go) Anywho,I am super excited about this trip...and even more excited because Jesse was the one to suggest it!  I will fill you all in soon on the location! I promise!! 

Have a good week Friends! :) 

Vacation Clue #1: 

Any ideas!? haha. 
Pretty Amazing View, right!?

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